Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky
Director, Wheeler Water Institute at CLEE, UC Berkeley
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Collaborative governance and adaptive management: Lessons from California's CALFED Water Program
G Kallis, M Kiparsky, R Norgaard
environmental science & policy 12 (6), 631-643, 2009
The thorny road to technology legitimation—Institutional work for potable water reuse in California
C Binz, S Harris-Lovett, M Kiparsky, DL Sedlak, B Truffer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 103, 249-263, 2016
The innovation deficit in urban water: the need for an integrated perspective on institutions, organizations, and technology
M Kiparsky, DL Sedlak, BH Thompson Jr, B Truffer
Environmental engineering science 30 (8), 395-408, 2013
Beyond User Acceptance: A Legitimacy Framework for Potable Water Reuse in California
S Harris-Lovett, C Binz, DL Sedlak, M Kiparsky, B Truffer
Environmental Science & Technology, 2015
A riparian conservation network for ecological resilience
AK Fremier, M Kiparsky, S Gmur, J Aycrigg, RK Craig, LK Svancara, ...
Biological Conservation 191, 29-37, 2015
Modeling the hydrology of climate change in California’s Sierra Nevada for subwatershed scale adaptation
CA Young, MI Escobar‐Arias, M Fernandes, B Joyce, M Kiparsky, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45 (6), 1409-1423, 2009
Collectively engaging complex socio-ecological systems: re-envisioning science, governance, and the California Delta
RB Norgaard, G Kallis, M Kiparsky
Environmental Science & Policy 12 (6), 644-652, 2009
Climate and water: knowledge of impacts to action on adaptation
M Kiparsky, A Milman, S Vicuna
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 37 (1), 163-194, 2012
The importance of institutional design for distributed local-level governance of groundwater: The case of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
M Kiparsky, A Milman, D Owen, AT Fisher
Water 9 (10), 755, 2017
Barriers to innovation in urban wastewater utilities: attitudes of managers in California
M Kiparsky, BH Thompson, C Binz, DL Sedlak, L Tummers, B Truffer
Environmental management 57, 1204-1216, 2016
Climate change and California water resources: a survey and summary of the literature
M Kiparsky, PH Gleick
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, 2003
California groundwater management, science-policy interfaces, and the legacies of artificial legal distinctions
D Owen, A Cantor, NG Nylen, T Harter, M Kiparsky
Environmental Research Letters 14 (4), 045016, 2019
Examining the complex relationship between innovation and regulation through a survey of wastewater utility managers
L Sherman, A Cantor, A Milman, M Kiparsky
Journal of environmental management 260, 110025, 2020
Designing Effective Groundwater Sustainability Agencies: Criteria for Evaluation of Local Governance Options
M Kiparsky, D Owen, NG Nylen, J Christian-Smith, B Cosens, H Doremus, ...
Potential impacts of climate warming on water supply reliability in the Tuolumne and Merced river basins, California
M Kiparsky, B Joyce, D Purkey, C Young
PloS one 9 (1), e84946, 2014
Data for Water Decision Making: Informing the Implementation of California's Open and Transparent Water Data Act through Research and Engagement
A Cantor, M Kiparsky, R Kennedy, S Hubbard, R Bales, LC Pecharroman, ...
Unanswered questions for implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
M Kiparsky
California Agriculture, DOI: 10.3733/CA.2016A0014, 2016
Accelerating cost-effective green stormwater infrastructure: learning from local implementation
NG Nylen
eScholarship, University of California, 2015
Simulating high-elevation hydropower with regional climate warming in the west slope, Sierra Nevada
DE Rheinheimer, JH Viers, J Sieber, M Kiparsky, VK Mehta, ST Ligare
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (5), 714-723, 2014
Regulation of hydraulic fracturing in california: A wastewater and water quality perspective
M Kiparsky, JF Hein
Wheeler Institute for Water Law & Policy, Center for Law, Energy and the …, 2013
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Articles 1–20