Mark C. Wheldon
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Cited by
Estimating progress towards meeting women’s contraceptive needs in 185 countries: A Bayesian hierarchical modelling study
V Kantorová, MC Wheldon, P Ueffing, ANZ Dasgupta
PLoS medicine 17 (2), e1003026, 2020
Hyperinsulinemia: A unifying theory of chronic disease
C Crofts, C Zinn, M Wheldon, G Schofield
Diabesity 1 (4), 34-43, 2015
Identifying hyperinsulinaemia in the absence of impaired glucose tolerance: An examination of the Kraft database
C Crofts, G Schofield, C Zinn, M Wheldon, J Kraft
Diabetes research and clinical practice 118, 50-57, 2016
Reconstructing past populations with uncertainty from fragmentary data
MC Wheldon, AE Raftery, SJ Clark, P Gerland
Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (501), 96-110, 2013
Contraceptive use and needs among adolescent women aged 15–19: regional and global estimates and projections from 1990 to 2030 from a Bayesian hierarchical modelling study
V Kantorová, MC Wheldon, ANZ Dasgupta, P Ueffing, HC Castanheira
PloS one 16 (3), e0247479, 2021
Extending metformin use in diabetic kidney disease: a pharmacokinetic study in stage 4 diabetic nephropathy
AM Dissanayake, MC Wheldon, J Ahmed, CJ Hood
Kidney International Reports 2 (4), 705-712, 2017
Bayesian population reconstruction of female populations for less developed and more developed countries
MC Wheldon, AE Raftery, SJ Clark, P Gerland
Population studies 70 (1), 21-37, 2016
Bayesian reconstruction of two-sex populations by age: estimating sex ratios at birth and sex ratios of mortality
MC Wheldon, AE Raftery, SJ Clark, P Gerland
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 178 …, 2015
Measuring changes in family and Whānau wellbeing using census data, 1981-2006: A preliminary analysis
G Cotterell, M von Randow, M Wheldon
Statistics New Zealand, 2008
Contraceptive use and fertility transitions
A Dasgupta, M Wheldon, V Kantorová, P Ueffing
Demographic research 46, 97-130, 2022
Evaluation of seasonality in the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia among adults in the United States, 1992–2008
GS Calip, JA McDougall, MC Wheldon, CI Li, AJ Roos
British journal of haematology 160 (3), 343-350, 2013
Measuring changes in family wellbeing in New Zealand 1981–2001
G Cotterell, M Wheldon, S Milligan
Social Indicators Research 86 (3), 453-467, 2008
Estimating demographic parameters with uncertainty from fragmentary data
MC Wheldon, AE Raftery, SJ Clark, P Gerland
Working Paper 108, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University …, 2011
Future scenarios of adolescent contraceptive use, cost and impact in developing regions
A Biddlecom, T Riley, JE Darroch, EA Sully, V Kantorová, MC Wheldon
Comparing perinatal outcomes for healthy pregnant women presenting at primary and tertiary settings in South Auckland: A retrospective cohort study
A Farry, J McAra-Couper, M Wheldon, JH Clemons
New Zealand College of Midwives, 2019
Hyperinsulinemia: Best management practice
CAP Crofts, C Zinn, MC Wheldon, GM Schofield
Diabesity 2 (1), 1-11, 2016
Pharmacokinetics of metformin in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 4 and metformin‐naïve type 2 diabetes
AM Dissanayake, MC Wheldon, CJ Hood
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 6 (5), e00424, 2018
Identifying treatment effects in multi‐channel measurements in electroencephalographic studies: Multivariate permutation tests and multiple comparisons
MC Wheldon, MJ Anderson, BW Johnson
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 49 (4), 397-413, 2007
An Examination of the Links Between Parental Educational Qualifications, Family Structure and Family Wellbeing, 1981-2006
GA Cotterell, M von Randow, MC Wheldon
University of Auckland, Centre of Methods and Policy Application in the …, 2009
Estimación del progreso hacia la satisfacción de las necesidades anticonceptivas de las mujeres en 185 países: un estudio de modelo jerárquico bayesiano
V Kantorova, M Wheldon, P Ueffing, A Dasgupta
PLOS Medicine.[Internet], 2020
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