Andre Z. Clayborne
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Designer magnetic superatoms
JU Reveles, PA Clayborne, AC Reber, SN Khanna, K Pradhan, P Sen, ...
Nature Chemistry 1 (4), 310-315, 2009
Atomistic insights into nitrogen-cycle electrochemistry: a combined DFT and kinetic Monte Carlo analysis of NO electrochemical reduction on Pt (100)
HJ Chun, V Apaja, A Clayborne, K Honkala, J Greeley
ACS Catalysis 7 (6), 3869-3882, 2017
Elucidation of pathways for NO electroreduction on Pt (111) from first principles
A Clayborne, HJ Chun, RB Rankin, J Greeley
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (28), 8255-8258, 2015
Single Crystal Sub‐Nanometer Sized Cu6(SR)6 Clusters: Structure, Photophysical Properties, and Electrochemical Sensing
X Gao, S He, C Zhang, C Du, X Chen, W Xing, S Chen, A Clayborne, ...
Advanced science 3 (12), 1600126, 2016
Significantly enhanced electrocatalytic activity of Au25 clusters by single platinum atom doping
Y Lu, C Zhang, X Li, AR Frojd, W Xing, AZ Clayborne, W Chen
Nano Energy 50, 316-322, 2018
Balancing the micro‐mesoporosity for activity maximization of N‐doped carbonaceous electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
C Du, X Liu, G Ye, X Gao, Z Zhuang, P Li, D Xiang, X Li, AZ Clayborne, ...
ChemSusChem 12 (5), 1017-1025, 2019
From SiO Molecules to Silicates in Circumstellar Space: Atomic Structures, Growth Patterns, and Optical Signatures of SinOm Clusters
AC Reber, S Paranthaman, PA Clayborne, SN Khanna, AW Castleman Jr
ACS nano 2 (8), 1729-1737, 2008
Synthesis and Characterization of Three Multi‐Shell Metalloid Gold Clusters Au32(R3P)12Cl8
S Kenzler, F Fetzer, C Schrenk, N Pollard, AR Frojd, AZ Clayborne, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (18), 5902-5905, 2019
Evidence of superatom electronic shells in ligand-stabilized aluminum clusters
P Andre Clayborne, O Lopez-Acevedo, RL Whetten, H Grönbeck, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (9), 2011
Au 70 S 20 (PPh 3) 12: an intermediate sized metalloid gold cluster stabilized by the Au 4 S 4 ring motif and Au-PPh 3 groups
S Kenzler, C Schrenk, AR Frojd, H Häkkinen, AZ Clayborne, A Schnepf
Chemical Communications 54 (3), 248-251, 2018
Electronic structure of gold, aluminum, and gallium superatom complexes
O Lopez-Acevedo, PA Clayborne, H Häkkinen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (3), 035434, 2011
Silicon oxide nanoparticles reveal the origin of silicate grains in circumstellar environments
AC Reber, PA Clayborne, JU Reveles, SN Khanna, AW Castleman, A Ali
Nano letters 6 (6), 1190-1195, 2006
Temperature programmed desorption-FTIR investigation of C1–C5 primary alcohols adsorbed on γ-alumina
PA Clayborne, TC Nelson, TC DeVore
Applied Catalysis A: General 257 (2), 225-233, 2004
AlnBi Clusters: Transitions Between Aromatic and Jellium Stability
CE Jones Jr, PA Clayborne, JU Reveles, JJ Melko, U Gupta, SN Khanna, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (51), 13316-13325, 2008
The Role of the Anchor Atom in the Ligand of the Monolayer-Protected Au25(XR)18 Nanocluster
E Pohjolainen, H Hakkinen, A Clayborne
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (17), 9587-9594, 2015
Optical and electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons upon adsorption of ligand-protected aluminum clusters
CG da Rocha, PA Clayborne, P Koskinen, H Häkkinen
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (8), 3558-3565, 2014
The Al50Cp*12 Cluster – A 138‐Electron Closed Shell (L = 6) Superatom
PA Clayborne, O Lopez‐Acevedo, RL Whetten, H Grönbeck, H Häkkinen
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2011 (17), 2649-2652, 2011
Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of AlnX (n = 1−6; X = As, Sb) Clusters: Evidence of Aromaticity and the Jellium Model
JJ Melko, PA Clayborne, CE Jones Jr, JU Reveles, U Gupta, SN Khanna, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (5), 2045-2052, 2010
ReaxFF MD simulations of peptide-grafted gold nanoparticles
M Samieegohar, F Sha, AZ Clayborne, T Wei
Langmuir 35 (14), 5029-5036, 2019
Effect of Charge and Composition on the Structural Fluxionality and Stability of Nine Atom Tin− Bismuth Zintl Analogues
U Gupta, AC Reber, PA Clayborne, JJ Melko, SN Khanna, ...
Inorganic chemistry 47 (23), 10953-10958, 2008
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Articles 1–20