Adrian Abendroth
Adrian Abendroth
University of Potsdam // Chair of Business Informatics esp. Processes and Systems
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Cited by
An analysis of problematic media use and technology use addiction scales–what are they actually assessing?
A Abendroth, DA Parry, DB le Roux, J Gundlach
Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication …, 2020
Ein Werkzeug zur Analyse von Komplexität von Low-Code und No-Code Add-ons: Ein Design Science Ansatz
A Abendroth, B Bender
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 61 (5), 1180-1212, 2024
Correction to: An Analysis of Problematic Media Use and Technology Use Addiction Scales–What Are They Actually Assessing?
A Abendroth, DA Parry, DB le Roux, J Gundlach
Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication …, 2020
Technology addiction scales in the areas of internet, smartphone, video games and social network sites: a systematic literature review
A Abendroth
Universität Potsdam, 2019
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities
A Abendroth, B Bender, N Gronau
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Articles 1–5