Kris Inwood
Cited by
Cited by
The great transformation: A long-run perspective on physical well-being in Canada
J Cranfield, K Inwood
Economics & Human Biology 5 (2), 204-228, 2007
Discontinuities in Canadian economic growth, 1870–1985
K Inwood, T Stengos
Explorations in Economic History 28 (3), 274-286, 1991
Health, height, and the household at the turn of the twentieth century
RE Bailey, TJ Hatton, K Inwood
The Economic History Review 69 (1), 35-53, 2016
Tracking people over time in 19th century Canada for longitudinal analysis
L Antonie, K Inwood, DJ Lizotte, J Andrew Ross
Machine learning 95, 129-146, 2014
Atmospheric pollution, health, and height in late nineteenth century Britain
RE Bailey, TJ Hatton, K Inwood
The Journal of Economic History 78 (4), 1210-1247, 2018
Maritime Industrialization from 1870 to 1910: A Review of the Evidence and its Interpretation
KE Inwood
Acadiensis 21, 132-155, 1991
Black living standards in South Africa before democracy: New evidence from height
B Mpeta, J Fourie, K Inwood
South African Journal of Science 114 (1-2), 1-8, 2018
Land, income and regional inequality: New estimates of provincial incomes and growth in Canada, 1871-1891
K Inwood, J Irwin
Acadiensis 31, 157-184, 2002
Physical stature in nineteenth-century New Zealand: A preliminary interpretation
K Inwood, L Oxley, E Roberts
Australian Economic History Review 50 (3), 262-283, 2010
Pandemic paradox: early life H2N2 pandemic influenza infection enhanced susceptibility to death during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
A Gagnon, E Acosta, S Hallman, R Bourbeau, LY Dillon, N Ouellette, ...
MBio 9 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 02091-17, 2018
The representation of industry in the Canadian Census, 1871-1891
K Inwood
Histoire sociale/Social History, 1995
The Survival of Handloom Weaving in Rural Canada circa 1870
K Inwood, P Wagg
Journal of Economic History 53, 346-358, 1993
Physical growth and ethnic inequality in New Zealand prisons, 1840–1975
K Inwood, L Oxley, E Roberts
The History of the Family 20 (2), 250-270, 2015
Longitudinal studies of human growth and health: a review of recent historical research
K Inwood, E Roberts
Journal of Economic Surveys 24 (5), 801-840, 2010
Hecksher-Ohlin in Canada: New Estimates of Regional Wages and Land Prices
JC Emery, K Inwood, H Thille
Australian Economic History Review 47 (1), 22-48, 2007
Transport costs and trade volumes: evidence from the trans-Atlantic iron trade, 1870–1913
K Inwood, I Keay
The Journal of Economic History 75 (1), 95-124, 2015
Growing Incomes, Growing People in Nineteenth‐Century Tasmania
K Inwood, H Maxwell‐Stewart, D Oxley, J Stankovich
Australian Economic History Review 55 (2), 187-211, 2015
The social consequences of legal reform: women and property in a Canadian community
K Inwood, S Van Sligtenhorst
Continuity and change 19 (1), 165-197, 2004
Occupational income scores and immigrant assimilation. Evidence from the Canadian census
K Inwood, C Minns, F Summerfield
Explorations in Economic History 72, 114-122, 2019
Gender and occupational identity in a Canadian census
K Inwood, R Reid
Historical Methods 34 (2), 57-70, 2001
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Articles 1–20