Ivan Donadello
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Cited by
Logic Tensor Networks for Semantic Image Interpretation
I Donadello, L Serafini, ADA Garcez
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2017
EXplainable Neural-Symbolic Learning (X-NeSyL) methodology to fuse deep learning representations with expert knowledge graphs: the MonuMAI cultural heritage use case
N Díaz-Rodríguez, A Lamas, J Sanchez, G Franchi, I Donadello, S Tabik, ...
Information Fusion 79, 58-83, 2022
Explainable AI meets persuasiveness: Translating reasoning results into behavioral change advice
M Dragoni, I Donadello, C Eccher
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 105, 101840, 2020
OntoSenticNet 2: Enhancing reasoning within sentiment analysis
M Dragoni, I Donadello, E Cambria
IEEE Intelligent Systems 37 (2), 103-110, 2022
Compensating supervision incompleteness with prior knowledge in semantic image interpretation
I Donadello, L Serafini
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Learning and reasoning in logic tensor networks: theory and application to semantic image interpretation
L Serafini, I Donadello, AA Garcez
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 125-130, 2017
Persuasive explanation of reasoning inferences on dietary data
I Donadello, M Dragoni, C Eccher
Joint Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLingand …, 2019
A practical tutorial on explainable AI techniques
A Bennetot, I Donadello, A El Qadi El Haouari, M Dragoni, T Frossard, ...
ACM Computing Surveys, 2021
Declare4Py: A Python Library for Declarative Process Mining.
I Donadello, F Riva, FM Maggi, A Shikhizada
BPM (PhD/Demos) 3216, 117-121, 2022
Ontology-driven food category classification in images
I Donadello, M Dragoni
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
Integration of numeric and symbolic information for semantic image interpretation
I Donadello, L Serafini
Intelligenza Artificiale 10 (1), 33-47, 2016
Explaining reasoning algorithms with persuasiveness: a case study for a behavioural change system
I Donadello, M Dragoni, C Eccher
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 646-653, 2020
Semantic image interpretation-integration of numerical data and logical knowledge for cognitive vision
I Donadello
University of Trento, 2018
ATS-PD: An adaptive testing system for psychological disorders
I Donadello, A Spoto, F Sambo, S Badaloni, U Granziol, G Vidotto
Educational and psychological measurement 77 (5), 792-815, 2017
Mixing low-level and semantic features for image interpretation: A framework and a simple case study
I Donadello, L Serafini
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …, 2015
Machine learning for utility prediction in argument-based computational persuasion
I Donadello, A Hunter, S Teso, M Dragoni
proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (5), 5592-5599, 2022
SeXAI: a semantic explainable artificial intelligence framework
I Donadello, M Dragoni
International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial …, 2020
New perspectives in the adaptive assessment of depression: The ATS-PD version of the QuEDS
A Spoto, F Serra, I Donadello, U Granziol, G Vidotto
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 1101, 2018
ePlanning: An ontology-based system for building individualized education plans for students with special educational needs
S Cramerotti, M Rospocher, L Serafini, E Cardillo, I Donadello
Media Education 6 (1), 101-110, 2015
Logic tensor networks: Theory and applications
L Serafini, A d’Avila Garcez, S Badreddine, I Donadello, M Spranger, ...
Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art, 370-394, 2021
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Articles 1–20