K. Ramesh Reddy
K. Ramesh Reddy
Graduate Researh Professor, University of Florida
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Biogeochemistry of wetlands: science and applications
KR Reddy, RD DeLaune, PW Inglett
CRC press, 2022
Managing agricultural phosphorus for protection of surface waters: Issues and options
AN Sharpley, SC Chapra, R Wedepohl, JT Sims, TC Daniel, KR Reddy
Journal of environmental quality 23 (3), 437-451, 1994
Phosphorus retention in streams and wetlands: a review
KR Reddy, RH Kadlec, E Flaig, PM Gale
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 29 (1), 83-146, 1999
Changes in soil physical properties due to organic waste applications: a review
R Khaleel, KR Reddy, MR Overcash
Journal of environmental quality 10 (2), 133-141, 1981
Nitrogen transformations and loss in flooded soils and sediments
KR Reddy, WH Patrick, FE Broadbent
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 13 (4), 273-309, 1984
Nitrification‐denitrification at the plant root‐sediment interface in wetlands
KR Reddy, WH Patrick Jr, CW Lindau
Limnology and oceanography 34 (6), 1004-1013, 1989
Temperature effects in treatment wetlands
RH Kadlec, KR Reddy
Water environment research 73 (5), 543-557, 2001
Effect of alternate aerobic and anaerobic conditions on redox potential, organic matter decomposition, and nitrogen loss in a flooded soil
KR Reddy, WH Patrick Jr
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 7, 87-94, 1975
Biogeochemical indicators to evaluate pollutant removal efficiency in constructed wetlands
KR Reddy, EM D'angelo
Water Science and Technology 35 (5), 1-10, 1997
Regulation of organic matter decomposition and nutrient release in a wetland soil
GP McLatchey, KR Reddy
Journal of Environmental Quality 27 (5), 1268-1274, 1998
Behavior and transport of microbial pathogens and indicator organisms in soils treated with organic wastes
KR Reddy, R Khaleel, MR Overcash
Journal of environmental quality 10 (3), 255-266, 1981
Nutrient removal potential of selected aquatic macrophytes
KR Reddy, WF De Busk
Journal of Environmental Quality 14 (4), 459-462, 1985
Role of Eh and pH on phosphorus geochemistry in sediments of Lake Okeechobee, Florida
A Moore Jr, KR Reddy
Journal of Environmental Quality 23 (5), 955-964, 1994
Phosphorus sorption characteristics of estuarine sediments under different redox conditions
HK Pant, KR Reddy
Journal of environmental quality 30 (4), 1474-1480, 2001
Long‐term nutrient accumulation rates in the Everglades
KR Reddy, WF DeBusk, RD DeLaune, MS Koch
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (4), 1147-1155, 1993
Chemical fractionation of organic phosphorus in selected histosols1
DB Ivanoff, KR Reddy, S Robinson
Soil Science 163 (1), 36-45, 1998
Resuspension and diffusive flux of nitrogen and phosphorus in a hypereutrophic lake
KR Reddy, MM Fisher, D Ivanoff
Journal of Environmental Quality 25 (2), 363-371, 1996
Phosphorus dynamics in selected wetlands and streams of the Lake Okeechobee Basin
KR Reddy, OA Diaz, LJ Scinto, M Agami
Ecological Engineering 5 (2-3), 183-207, 1995
Forms of soil phosphorus in selected hydrologic units of the Florida Everglades
KR Reddy, Y Wang, WF DeBusk, MM Fisher, S Newman
Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (4), 1134-1147, 1998
Phosphorus sorption capacities of wetland soils and stream sediments impacted by dairy effluent
KR Reddy, GA O Connor, PM Gale
Journal of Environmental Quality 27 (2), 438-447, 1998
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