Sergey Dyachenko
Sergey Dyachenko
Assistant Professor at SUNY Buffalo
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Branch cuts of Stokes wave on deep water. Part I: Numerical solution and Padé approximation
SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, AO Korotkevich
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2016
Model reduction and optimization of natural gas pipeline dynamics
A Zlotnik, S Dyachenko, S Backhaus, M Chertkov
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 479-484, 2015
Complex singularity of a stokes wave
SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, AO Korotkevich
JETP letters 98 (11), 675-679, 2014
Primitive potentials and bounded solutions of the KdV equation
S Dyachenko, D Zakharov, V Zakharov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 333, 148-156, 2016
New conformal mapping for adaptive resolving of the complex singularities of Stokes wave
PM Lushnikov, SA Dyachenko, D A. Silantyev
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
S Dyachenko, AC Newell
Studies in Applied Mathematics 137 (2), 199-213, 2016
Stokes waves with constant vorticity: I. numerical computation
SA Dyachenko, VM Hur
Studies in Applied Mathematics 142 (2), 162-189, 2019
Stokes waves with constant vorticity: folds, gaps and fluid bubbles
SA Dyachenko, VM Hur
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878, 502-521, 2019
Dynamics of poles in two-dimensional hydrodynamics with free surface: new constants of motion
AI Dyachenko, SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, VE Zakharov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 874, 891-925, 2019
Operator splitting method for simulation of dynamic flows in natural gas pipeline networks
SA Dyachenko, A Zlotnik, AO Korotkevich, M Chertkov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2017
Bounded solutions of KdV and non-periodic one-gap potentials in quantum mechanics
DV Zakharov, SA Dyachenko, VE Zakharov
Letters in Mathematical Physics 106, 731-740, 2016
Beyond leading-order logarithmic scaling in the catastrophic self-focusing of a laser beam in Kerr media
PM Lushnikov, SA Dyachenko, N Vladimirova
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013845, 2013
Non-periodic one-dimensional ideal conductors and integrable turbulence
DV Zakharov, VE Zakharov, SA Dyachenko
Physics Letters A 380 (46), 3881-3885, 2016
Comparison of split-step and Hamiltonian integration methods for simulation of the nonlinear Schrödinger type equations
A Semenova, SA Dyachenko, AO Korotkevich, PM Lushnikov
Journal of Computational Physics 427, 110061, 2021
Logarithmic scaling of the collapse in the critical Keller–Segel equation
SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, N Vladimirova
Nonlinearity 26 (11), 3011, 2013
On the dynamics of a free surface of an ideal fluid in a bounded domain in the presence of surface tension
SA Dyachenko
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 860, 408-418, 2019
Superharmonic instability of stokes waves
AO Korotkevich, PM Lushnikov, A Semenova, SA Dyachenko
Studies in Applied Mathematics 150 (1), 119-134, 2023
Short branch cut approximation in two-dimensional hydrodynamics with free surface
AI Dyachenko, SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, VE Zakharov
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2249), 20200811, 2021
The dominant instability of near-extreme Stokes waves
B Deconinck, SA Dyachenko, PM Lushnikov, A Semenova
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (32), e2308935120, 2023
Almost extreme waves
SA Dyachenko, VM Hur, DA Silantyev
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 955, A17, 2023
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Articles 1–20