Niyati Bhanja
Niyati Bhanja
Assistant Professor
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Oil price and exchange rates: A wavelet based analysis for India
AK Tiwari, AB Dar, N Bhanja
Economic Modelling 31, 414-422, 2013
Stock market integration in Asian countries: Evidence from wavelet multiple correlations
AK Tiwari, AB Dar, N Bhanja, A Shah
Journal of Economic Integration, 441-456, 2013
Stock returns and inflation in Pakistan
AK Tiwari, AB Dar, N Bhanja, M Arouri, F Teulon
Economic Modelling 47, 23-31, 2015
Time–frequency relationship between share prices and exchange rates in India: Evidence from continuous wavelets
AK Tiwari, N Bhanja, AB Dar, F Islam
Empirical Economics 48, 699-714, 2015
Dynamics of connectedness across crude oil, precious metals and exchange rate: Evidence from time and frequency domains
AA Shah, M Paul, N Bhanja, AB Dar
Resources Policy 73, 102154, 2021
Export led growth or growth led export hypothesis in India: evidence based on time-frequency approach
AB Dar, N Bhanja, A Samantaraya, AK Tiwari
Asian Economic and Financial Review 3 (7), 869, 2013
Do global financial crises validate assertions of fractal market hypothesis?
AB Dar, N Bhanja, AK Tiwari
International economics and economic policy 14, 153-165, 2017
“The beauty of gold is, it loves bad news”: evidence from three major gold consumers
N Bhanja, AB Dar
Economic Change and Restructuring 48, 187-208, 2015
Gold, gold mining stocks and equities-partial wavelet coherence evidence from developed countries
M Paul, N Bhanja, AB Dar
Resources Policy 62, 378-384, 2019
Analyzing time–frequency based co-movement in inflation: evidence from G-7 countries
AK Tiwari, N Bhanja, AB Dar, OR Olayeni
Computational Economics 45, 91-109, 2015
Are stock prices hedge against inflation? A revisit over time and frequencies in India
N Bhanja, AB Dar, AK Tiwari
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics 3 (4), 199-213, 2012
Do gold mining stocks behave like gold or equities? Evidence from the UK and the US
AB Dar, N Bhanja, M Paul
International Review of Economics & Finance 59, 369-384, 2019
The relationship between stock prices and exchange rates in Asian markets: a wavelet based correlation and quantile regression approach
AB Dar, A Shah, N Bhanja, A Samantaraya
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 3 (2), 209-224, 2014
Aggregate, asymmetric and frequency-based spillover among equity, precious metals, and cryptocurrency
N Bhanja, AA Shah, AB Dar
Resources Policy 80, 103145, 2023
Connectedness in international crude oil markets
N Bhanja, S Nasreen, AB Dar, AK Tiwari
Computational Economics, 1-36, 2021
Inflation-Industrial growth nexus in India—A revisit through continuous wavelet transform
AB Dar, N Bhanja, AK Tiwari
Central Bank Review 14 (2), 1-11, 2014
Do global crude oil markets behave as one great pool? A cyclical analysis
N Bhanja, AB Dar, AK Tiwari
Journal of Business Cycle Research 14, 219-241, 2018
A historical analysis of the US stock price index using empirical mode decomposition over 1791–2015
AK Tiwari, AB Dar, N Bhanja, R Gupta
Economics 10 (1), 20160009, 2016
Exchange rate and monetary fundamentals: Long run relationship revisited
N Bhanja, AB Dar, AK Tiwari
Panoeconomicus 62 (1), 33-54, 2015
Exchange rate and stock price relationship: A Wavelet analysis for India
AB Dar, N Bhanja, AK Tiwari
Indian Economic Review, 125-142, 2014
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Articles 1–20