Cecile Gerwel Proches
Cited by
Cited by
An application of soft systems methodology in the sugar industry
CNG Proches, S Bodhanya
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 14 (1), 1-15, 2015
Leadership styles deployed by women project managers
B Maseko, C Gerwel Proches
Gender and Behaviour 11 (2), 5663-5672, 2013
Exploring stakeholder interactions through the lens of complexity theory: lessons from the sugar industry
C Gerwel Proches, S Bodhanya
Quality & Quantity 49, 2507-2525, 2015
Examining leadership as a strategy to enhance health care service delivery in regional hospitals in South Africa
S Govender, C Gerwel Proches, A Kader
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 11, 157-166, 2018
The Significance of Domestic Tourism in Durban, South Africa
L Makhaola, CN Gerwel Proches
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 6 (4), 1-15, 2017
Complexity of stakeholder interaction in applied research
C Pade-Khene, R Luton, T Jordaan, S Hildbrand, CG Proches, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Think first job! Preferences and expectations of engineering students in a French ‘Grande Ecole’
C Gerwel Proches, N Chelin, S Rouvrais
European Journal of Engineering Education, 1-17, 2018
Perceived impact of public sector leadership on road infrastructure service delivery
C Gqaji, A., Gerwel Proches, P Green
Investment Management and Financial Innovations 13 (3), 51-59, 2016
Leadership challenges facing female employees in the telecommunications industry
NP Shangase, CNG Proches
Gender and Behaviour 12 (2), 6275-6285, 2014
Retaining core, critical & scarce skills in the energy industry
PF Mabuza, CNG Proches
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 635-648, 2014
Exploring the role of social dialogue in local economic development: A case of a South African Local Economic Development Agency
I Khambule, C Gerwel Proches
Progress in Development Studies, 1-19, 2019
The impact of institutional culture on change initiatives in an electric utility company in Africa
M Jumbe, C Gerwel Proches
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 7 (3), 295-313, 2016
Challenges that hinder effective implementation of a talent management system: a case of a public electricity utility company in Southern Africa
Z Mtshali, CNG Proches, P Green
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13 (2), 1286-1293, 2018
Systemic approaches to understand the complexities at the Umfolozi and Felixton mill areas
CN Gerwel, S Hildbrand, SA Bodhanya, CN Bezuidenhout
Proceedings of the Annual Congress-South African Sugar Technologists …, 2011
Leadership challenges facing female school principals in the Durban INK area
TP Ndlovu, CNG Proches
Gender and Behaviour 17 (2), 12859-12871, 2019
Knowledge management as a strategic asset for customer service delivery at a contact centre in South Africa
R Chetty, CN Gerwel Proches, N Singh
Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal 13 (2), 225-249, 2021
Evaluating the extent of intrapreneurship in a sugar producing company in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Z Rambakus, M Hoque, CN Gerwel Proches
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1736848, 2020
An analysis of multi-stakeholder interactions in the sugar industry using a social complexity framework
CNG Proches, S Bodhanya
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 77-85, 2013
Examining the Service Quality of Administrative Practices in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges in South Africa
NM Mpanza, P Green, N Sentoo, CN Gerwel Proches
African Journal of Business and Economic Research 14 (2), 178-184, 2019
The Impact of Value Systems on the Development of Effective Leadership
C Poulton, C Gerwel Proches, R Sibanda
International Business Management 11 (8), 1629-1636, 2017
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Articles 1–20