Zhen-Biao Yang
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Cited by
Beating the break-even point with a discrete-variable-encoded logical qubit
Z Ni, S Li, X Deng, Y Cai, L Zhang, W Wang, ZB Yang, H Yu, F Yan, S Liu, ...
Nature 616 (7955), 56-60, 2023
Holonomic quantum control with continuous variable systems
VV Albert, C Shu, S Krastanov, C Shen, RB Liu, ZB Yang, RJ Schoelkopf, ...
Physical review letters 116 (14), 140502, 2016
Quantum phase gates for two atoms trapped in separate cavities within the null-and single-excitation subspaces
ZB Yang, HZ Wu, WJ Su, SB Zheng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (1), 012305, 2009
Steady-state entanglement for distant atoms by dissipation in coupled cavities
LT Shen, XY Chen, ZB Yang, HZ Wu, SB Zheng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 064302, 2011
Implementation of a multiqubit quantum phase gate in a neutral atomic ensemble via the asymmetric Rydberg blockade
HZ Wu, ZB Yang, SB Zheng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (3), 034307, 2010
Generation of two-mode squeezed states for two separated atomic ensembles via coupled cavities
SB Zheng, ZB Yang, Y Xia
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 015804, 2010
Enhancement of entanglement in distant mechanical vibrations via modulation in a coupled optomechanical system
RX Chen, LT Shen, ZB Yang, HZ Wu, SB Zheng
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023843, 2014
Demonstration of controlled-phase gates between two error-correctable photonic qubits
Y Xu, Y Ma, W Cai, X Mu, W Dai, W Wang, L Hu, X Li, J Han, H Wang, ...
Physical review letters 124 (12), 120501, 2020
Deterministic entanglement swapping in a superconducting circuit
W Ning, XJ Huang, PR Han, H Li, H Deng, ZB Yang, ZR Zhong, Y Xia, ...
Physical review letters 123 (6), 060502, 2019
Faithful teleportation of an unknown atomic state and a cavity field entangled state without Bell-state measurement
ZB Yang
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (3), 603, 2006
Rydberg-interaction gates via adiabatic passage and phase control of driving fields
H Wu, XR Huang, CS Hu, ZB Yang, SB Zheng
Physical Review A 96 (2), 022321, 2017
Symmetry-protected topological phases in spin ladders with two-body interactions
ZX Liu, ZB Yang, YJ Han, W Yi, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (19), 195122, 2012
Twofold mechanical squeezing in a cavity optomechanical system
CS Hu, ZB Yang, H Wu, Y Li, SB Zheng
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023807, 2018
Manifestation of classical nonlinear dynamics in optomechanical entanglement with a parametric amplifier
CS Hu, LT Shen, ZB Yang, H Wu, Y Li, SB Zheng
Physical Review A 100 (4), 043824, 2019
Observation of a superradiant phase transition with emergent cat states
RH Zheng, W Ning, YH Chen, JH Lü, LT Shen, K Xu, YR Zhang, D Xu, ...
Physical Review Letters 131 (11), 113601, 2023
Effective dynamics for two-atom entanglement and quantum information processing by coupled cavity QED systems
ZB Yang, HZ Wu, Y Xia, SB Zheng
The European Physical Journal D 61 (3), 737-744, 2011
Robust generation of qutrit entanglement via adiabatic passage of dark states
Y Zhen-Biao, W Huai-Zhi, Z Shi-Biao
Chinese Physics B 19 (9), 094205, 2010
Demonstration of dynamical control of three-level open systems with a superconducting qutrit
RH Zheng, W Ning, ZB Yang, Y Xia, SB Zheng
New Journal of Physics 24 (6), 063031, 2022
Teleportation of two-atom entangled statein resonant cavity quantum electrodynamics
Y Zhen-Biao
Chinese Physics 16 (2), 329, 2007
Demonstration of a non-Abelian geometric controlled-NOT gate in a superconducting circuit
K Xu, W Ning, XJ Huang, PR Han, H Li, ZB Yang, D Zheng, H Fan, ...
Optica 8 (7), 972-976, 2021
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Articles 1–20