Marko Komssi
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Cited by
What are hackathons for?
M Komssi, D Pichlis, M Raatikainen, K Kindström, J Järvinen
IEEE Software 32 (5), 60-67, 2014
The role of platform boundary resources in software ecosystems: a case study
V Dal Bianco, V Myllärniemi, M Komssi, M Raatikainen
2014 IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 11-20, 2014
Linking requirements and testing in practice
EJ Uusitalo, M Komssi, M Kauppinen, AM Davis
2008 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 265-270, 2008
Industrial experiences of organizing a hackathon to assess a device-centric cloud ecosystem
M Raatikainen, M Komssi, V Dal Bianco, K Kindstöm, J Järvinen
2013 IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 790-799, 2013
Linking business and requirements engineering: is solution planning a missing activity in software product companies?
L Lehtola, M Kauppinen, J Vähäniitty, M Komssi
Requirements engineering 14, 113-128, 2009
From feature development to customer value creation
M Kauppinen, J Savolainen, L Lehtola, M Komssi, H Tohonen, A Davis
2009 17th ieee international requirements engineering conference, 275-280, 2009
Roadmapping problems in practice: value creation from the perspective of the customers
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, H Töhönen, L Lehtola, AM Davis
Requirements Engineering 20, 45-69, 2015
Integrating analysis of customers' processes into roadmapping: The value-creation perspective
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, H Töhönen, L Lehtola, AM Davis
2011 IEEE 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference, 57-66, 2011
The cookbook for successful internal startups
J Märijärvi, L Hokkanen, M Komssi, H Kiljander, Y Xu, M Raatikainen, ...
DIGILE and N4S, 2016
Eight paths of innovations in a lean startup manner: a case study
M Raatikainen, M Komssi, H Kiljander, L Hokkanen, J Märijärvi, O Mohout
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 17th International Conference …, 2016
Transforming a software product company into a service business: Case study at f-secure
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, J Heiskari, M Ropponen
2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2009
Persuading software development teams to document inspections: success factors and challenges in practice
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, M Pyhäjärvi, J Talvio, T Männistö
2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 283-288, 2010
Using Twitter in the acceleration of marketing new products and services
P Jaring, A Bäck, M Komssi, J Käki
Journal of Innovation Management 3 (3), 35-56, 2015
State of the practice in application programming interfaces (APIs): a case study
M Raatikainen, E Kettunen, A Salonen, M Komssi, T Mikkonen, ...
European Conference on Software Architecture, 191-206, 2021
The challenges of joint solution planning: three software ecosystem cases
D Pichlis, M Raatikainen, P Sevón, S Hofemann, V Myllärniemi, M Komssi
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 15th International Conference …, 2014
Transformations of a solution strategy: a case study
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, M Ropponen, P Palomäki
Software Business: Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels …, 2011
Lessons Learned from Integrating Specification Templates, Collaborative Workshops, and Peer Reviews
M Komssi, M Kauppinen, K Toro, R Soikkeli, E Uusitalo
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 16th …, 2010
Increasing Responsiveness and Economy of Software Inspection
M Komssi, LQ Engineer
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Testing, Analysis …, 2004
Writing a Seminar Paper
M Kauppinen, H Töhönen, M Komssi
Customer value creation: The ultimate goal of requirements engineering
M Kauppinen, M Komssi
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20