Tomás de la Rosa
Cited by
Cited by
A review of machine learning for automated planning
S Jiménez, T De La Rosa, S Fernández, F Fernández, D Borrajo
The Knowledge Engineering Review 27 (4), 433-467, 2012
Planning for tourism routes using social networks
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, S Núñez, D Borrajo
Expert Systems with Applications 69, 1-9, 2017
Scaling up heuristic planning with relational decision trees
T De la Rosa, S Jiménez, R Fuentetaja, D Borrajo
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 40, 767-813, 2011
Using cases utility for heuristic planning improvement
T De la Rosa, A García Olaya, D Borrajo
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 7th International Conference …, 2007
The IBaCoP planning system: Instance-based configured portfolios
I Cenamor, T De La Rosa, F Fernández
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 56, 657-691, 2016
IBACOP and IBACOP2 planner
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, F Fernández
IPC 2014 planner abstracts, 35-38, 2014
Learning predictive models to configure planning portfolios
I Cenamor, T De La Rosa, F Fernández
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Planning and Learning (ICAPS-PAL 2013), 14-22, 2013
Learning Relational Decision Trees for Guiding Heuristic Planning.
T De La Rosa, SJ Celorrio, D Borrajo
ICAPS, 60-67, 2008
Learning domain control knowledge for TLPlan and beyond
T de la Rosa, S McIlraith
ICAPS 2011 Workshop on Planning and Learning, 36-43, 2011
MDPbiome: microbiome engineering through prescriptive perturbations
B García-Jiménez, T de la Rosa, MD Wilkinson
Bioinformatics 34 (17), i838-i847, 2018
Compiling irrelevant objects to counters. special case of creation planning
R Fuentetaja, T de la Rosa
AI Communications 29 (3), 435-467, 2016
A case-based approach to heuristic planning
T de la Rosa, A García-Olaya, D Borrajo
Applied intelligence 39, 184-201, 2013
Using the relaxed plan heuristic to select goals in oversubscription planning problems
A García-Olaya, T De La Rosa, D Borrajo
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 183-192, 2011
Using automated planning for improving data mining processes
S Fernández, T de la Rosa, F Fernández, R Suárez, J Ortiz, D Borrajo, ...
The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (2), 157-173, 2013
Temporal: Temporal portfolio algorithm
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, M Vallati, F Fernández, L Chrpa
Proceedings of ICAPS International Planning Competition, 2018
Mining IPC-2011 results
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, F Fernández
WS-IPC 2012, 28, 2012
Anticipation of goals in automated planning
R Fuentetaja, D Borrajo, T de la Rosa
AI Communications 31 (2), 117-135, 2018
Performance modelling of planners from homogeneous problem sets
T de la Rosa, I Cenamor, F Fernández
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2017
Gotcha: An autonomous controller for the space domain
J Ocon, JM Delfa, T de la Rosa, A Garcıa, Y Escudero
Proc. ASTRA, 2017
Ondroad planner: Building tourist plans using traveling social network information
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, D Borrajo
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing 1 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20