Mwazvita TB Dalu
Cited by
Cited by
Unpacking Pandora’s Box: Understanding and Categorising Ecosystem Disservices for Environmental Management and Human Wellbeing
CM Shackleton, S Ruwanza, GK Sinasson Sanni, S Bennett, P De Lacy, ...
Ecosystems 19 (4), 587-600, 2016
The same course, different access: the digital divide between urban and rural distance education students in South Africa
R Lembani, A Gunter, M Breines, MTB Dalu
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44 (1), 70-84, 2020
How important is green infrastructure in small and medium-sized towns? Lessons from South Africa
C Shackleton, A Blair, P De Lacy, H Kaoma, N Mugwagwa, M Dalu, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2017
WhatsApp use among African international distance education (IDE) students: transferring, translating and transforming educational experiences
C Madge, MR Breines, MTB Dalu, A Gunter, J Mittelmeier, P Prinsloo, ...
Learning, Media and Technology 44 (3), 267-282, 2019
Assessing drivers of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in African highland streams: an exploration using multivariate analysis
T Dalu, RJ Wasserman, JD Tonkin, ME Alexander, MTB Dalu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 601, 1340-1348, 2017
Is awareness on plastic pollution being raised in schools? Understanding perceptions of primary and secondary school educators
MTB Dalu, RN Cuthbert, H Muhali, LD Chari, A Manyani, C Masunungure, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6775, 2020
Agricultural intensification and drought frequency increases may have landscape-level consequences for ephemeral ecosystems
T Dalu, R Wasserman, M Dalu
Global Change Biology, 2016
Influence of land cover, proximity to streams and household topographical location on flooding impact in informal settlements in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
MTB Dalu, CM Shackleton, T Dalu
International journal of disaster risk reduction 28, 481-490, 2018
Understanding the early adjustment experiences of undergraduate distance education students in South Africa
J Mittelmeier, J Rogaten, D Long, M Dalu, A Gunter, P Prinsloo, B Rienties
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (3), 2019
The potential use of natural resources in urban informal settlements as substitutes for financial capital during flooding emergencies
MTB Dalu, CM Shackleton
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 104, 18-27, 2018
An assessment of chlorophyll-a concentration spatio-temporal variation using Landsat satellite data, in a small tropical reservoir
T Dalu, T Dube, PW Froneman, MTB Sachikonye, BW Clegg, T Nhiwatiwa
Geocarto international 30 (10), 1130-1143, 2015
Transnational online research: recognising multiple contexts in Skype-to-phone interviews
F Melis Cin, C Madge, D Long, M Breines, M Tapiwa Beatrice Dalu
Qualitative Research 23 (2), 252-271, 2023
Social media among African students: Recentring typologies of non-use
MR Breines, C Madge, MTB Dalu
Digital geography and society 1, 100006, 2020
Ecological assessment of two species of potamonautid freshwater crabs from the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe, with implications for their conservation
T Dalu, MTB Sachikonye, ME Alexander, T Dube, WP Froneman, ...
PloS one 11 (1), e0145923, 2016
Sustainable livelihood principles and urban greening in informal settlements in practice: A case of Zandspruit informal settlement, South Africa
MTB Sachikonye, T Dalu, A Gunter
Development Southern Africa 33 (4), 518-531, 2016
Challenges and possible impacts of artisanal and recreational fisheries on tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau 1861 populations in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
T Magqina, T Nhiwatiwa, MTB Dalu, L Mhlanga, T Dalu
Scientific African 10, e00613, 2020
A call to halt destructive, illegal mining in Zimbabwe
MTB Dalu, RJ Wasserman, T Dalu
South African Journal of Science 113 (11-12), 1-2, 2017
Understanding the adjustment of first-year distance education students in South Africa: Factors that impact students' experiences
J Mittelmeier, J Rogaten, M Sachikonye, A Gunter, P Prinsloo, B Rienties
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (3), 2019
Contribution of natural forest products to rural livelihoods at Mavunde and Sambandou Villages, Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, South Africa
MTB Dalu, AW Gunter, M Makatu, GM Dowo, F Dondofema, T Dalu
Sustainability 13 (8), 4252, 2021
Owning the lake, not just the rod: The continuing challenge of'the old boys' in knowledge production
MTB Dalu, AW Gunter, RJ Wasserman, T Dalu
South African Journal of Science 114 (7-8), 11-12, 2018
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Articles 1–20