Sanne ter Horst
Sanne ter Horst
Professor of Mathematics, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
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Cited by
Multivariable generalizations of the Schur class: positive kernel characterization and transfer function realization
JA Ball, Q Fang, S Horst, A Biswas
Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications, 17-79, 2009
A constrained Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem for matrix-valued functions
JA Ball, V Bolotnikov, S ter Horst
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 59 (no. 1), 15–51, 2010
All solutions to the relaxed commutant lifting problem
AE Frazho, S Ter Horst, MA Kaashoek
Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 72, 299–318, 2006
Coupling and relaxed commutant lifting
AE Frazho, S Horst, MA Kaashoek
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 54 (1), 33-67, 2006
Equivalence after extension and matricial coupling coincide with Schur coupling, on separable Hilbert spaces
S Ter Horst, ACM Ran
Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (3), 793-805, 2013
Robust control, multidimensional systems and multivariable Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation
JA Ball, S Horst, S Horst
Topics in Operator Theory, 13-88, 2010
Multivariable operator-valued Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation: a survey
JA Ball, S Horst
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications, 1-72, 2010
Bounded real lemma and structured singular value versus diagonal scaling: the free noncommutative setting
JA Ball, G Groenewald, S Ter Horst
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 27 (1), 217-254, 2016
Interpolation in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces
J Ball, V Bolotnikov, S Ter Horst
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139 (2), 609-618, 2011
Equivalence after extension for compact operators on Banach spaces
S ter Horst, M Messerschmidt, ACM Ran
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 431 (1), 136-149, 2015
Standard versus strict Bounded Real Lemma with infinite-dimensional state space II: The storage function approach
JA Ball, GJ Groenewald, S Ter Horst
The diversity and beauty of applied operator theory, 1-50, 2018
A Toeplitz-like operator with rational symbol having poles on the unit circle I: Fredholm properties
GJ Groenewald, S Ter Horst, J Jaftha, ACM Ran
Operator Theory, Analysis and the State Space Approach: In Honor of Rien …, 2018
State space formulae for stable rational matrix solutions of a Leech problem
AE Frazho, S ter Horst, MA Kaashoek
Indagationes Mathematicae 25 (2), 250-274, 2014
Abstract interpolation in vector-valued de Branges–Rovnyak spaces
JA Ball, V Bolotnikov, S ter Horst
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 70 (2), 227-263, 2011
A Toeplitz-like operator with rational symbol having poles on the unit circle II: the spectrum
GJ Groenewald, S Ter Horst, J Jaftha, ACM Ran
Interpolation and Realization Theory with Applications to Control Theory: In …, 2019
Standard versus strict bounded real lemma with infinite-dimensional state space. I. The state-space-similarity approach
JA Ball, GJ Groenewald, STER HORST
Journal of Operator Theory 80 (1), 225-253, 2018
Rational matrix solutions to the Leech equation: the Ball–Trent approach revisited
S Ter Horst
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 408 (1), 335-344, 2013
Relaxed commutant lifting and a relaxed Nehari problem: Redheffer state space formulas
S Horst
Mathematische Nachrichten 282 (12), 1753-1769, 2009
Equivalence after extension and Schur coupling coincide for inessential operators
S Ter Horst, M Messerschmidt, ACM Ran, M Roelands, M Wortel
Indagationes Mathematicae 29 (5), 1350-1361, 2018
State space formulas for a suboptimal rational Leech problem I: Maximum entropy solution
AE Frazho, S Ter Horst, MA Kaashoek
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 79, 533-553, 2014
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Articles 1–20