wallace Chigona
wallace Chigona
Professor in Information Systems, University of Cape Town, Department of Information Systems
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Can mobile internet help alleviate social exclusion in developing countries?
W Chigona, D Beukes, J Vally, M Tanner
The electronic journal of information systems in developing countries 36 (1 …, 2009
An investigation of factors affecting the use of ICT for teaching in the Western Cape schools
A Chigona, W Chigona
Using diffusion of innovations framework to explain communal computing facilities adoption among the urban poor
W Chigona, P Licker
Information Technologies & International Development 4 (3), pp. 57-73, 2008
An empirical survey on domestication of ICT in schools in disadvantaged communities in South Africa
A Chigona, W Chigona, M Kausa, P Kayongo
International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT 6 (2), 21-32, 2010
Educators’ motivation on integration of ICTs into pedagogy: case of disadvantaged areas
A Chigona, W Chigona, Z Davids
South African Journal of Education 34 (3), 2014
Challenges of eGovernment project implementation in a South African context
R Matavire, W Chigona, D Roode, E Sewchurran, Z Davids, A Mukudu, ...
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 13 (2), pp153‑164-pp153‑164, 2010
The uses and gratifications of mobile internet among the South African students
W Chigona, G Kankwenda, S Manjoo
PICMET'08-2008 Portland International Conference on Management of …, 2008
Educator discourses on ICT in education: A critical analysis
M Bladergroen, W Chigona, A Bytheway, S Cox, C Dumas, I Van Zyl
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 8 (2), 2012
MXIT it up in the media: Media discourse analysis on a mobile instant messaging system
A Chigona, W Chigona
MXIT: Uses, Perceptions and Self-justifications.
W Chigona, A Chigona, B Ngqokelela, S Mpofu
Journal of Information, Information Technology & Organizations 4, 2009
A review on mHealth research in developing countries
W Chigona, M Nyemba, A Metfula
The Journal of Community Informatics 9 (2), 2013
mHealth outcomes for pregnant mothers in Malawi: a capability perspective
M Nyemba-Mudenda, W Chigona
Information Technology for Development 24 (2), 245-278, 2018
Different shades of success: Educator perceptions of government strategy on E‐Education in South Africa
BE Mooketsi, W Chigona
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 64 (1 …, 2014
Uses, benefits and challenges of public access points in the face of growth of mobile technology
W Chigona, O Lekwane, K Westcott, A Chigona
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 49 (1 …, 2011
The livelihood outcomes of ICT use in microenterprises: The case of South Africa
F Makoza, W Chigona
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 53 (1 …, 2012
Telecentres use in rural communities and women empowerment: case of Western Cape
A Alao, TE Lwoga, W Chigona
Information and Communication Technologies for Development: 14th IFIP WG 9.4 …, 2017
Investigating the impact of stakeholder management on the implementation of a public access project: The case of Smart Cape
W Chigona, D Roode, N Nabeel, B Pinnock
South African Journal of Business Management 41 (2), 39-49, 2010
Perception, usage and barriers towards the utilisation of the Telecentre among rural women in Tanzania
ET Lwoga, W Chigona
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (1), 2-16, 2019
Post-implementation evaluation and challenges of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems for municipalities in South Africa
N Gcora, W Chigona
South African Journal of information management 21 (1), 1-12, 2019
School-level ICT adoption factors in the Western Cape schools
L Miller, M Naidoo, JP Van Belle, W Chigona
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing …, 2006
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Articles 1–20