Christie Sennott
Christie Sennott
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Purdue University
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Race/ethnic differences in effects of family instability on adolescents' risk behavior
P Fomby, S Mollborn, CA Sennott
Journal of Marriage and Family 72 (2), 234-253, 2010
Young women’s dynamic family size preferences in the context of transitioning fertility
S Yeatman, C Sennott, S Culpepper
Demography 50, 1715-1737, 2013
Stability and change in fertility preferences among young women in Malawi
C Sennott, S Yeatman
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 38 (1), 34, 2012
Family structure instability and mobility: The consequences for adolescents’ problem behavior
P Fomby, CA Sennott
Social Science Research 42 (1), 186-201, 2013
Management of non-marital fertility in two South African communities
S Madhavan, A Harrison, C Sennott
Culture, health & sexuality 15 (5), 614-628, 2013
Conflicting contraceptive norms for men: equal responsibility versus women’s bodily autonomy
L James-Hawkins, C Dalessandro, C Sennott
Culture, Health & Sexuality 21 (3), 263-277, 2019
‘Behaving well’: The transition to respectable womanhood in rural South Africa
C Sennott, S A. Mojola
Culture, health & sexuality 19 (7), 781-795, 2017
Bundles of norms about teen sex and pregnancy
S Mollborn, C Sennott
Qualitative health research 25 (9), 1283-1299, 2015
Implementing ‘insider’ ethnography: lessons from the Public Conversations about HIV/AIDS project in rural South Africa
N Angotti, C Sennott
Qualitative research 15 (4), 437-453, 2015
Strategic silence: College men and hegemonic masculinity in contraceptive decision making
C Dalessandro, L James-Hawkins, C Sennott
Gender & Society 33 (5), 772-794, 2019
Conceptualizing childbearing ambivalence: A social and dynamic perspective
C Sennott, S Yeatman
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (4), 888-901, 2018
Death and desirability: Retrospective reporting of unintended pregnancy after a child’s death
E Smith-Greenaway, C Sennott
Demography 53, 805-834, 2016
The relationship between partners' family‐size preferences in Southern Malawi
S Yeatman, C Sennott
Studies in Family Planning 45 (3), 361-377, 2014
College-bound teens’ decisions about the transition to sex: Negotiating competing norms
C Sennott, S Mollborn
Advances in Life Course Research 16 (2), 83-97, 2011
Low-income women’s navigation of childbearing norms throughout the reproductive life course
L James-Hawkins, C Sennott
Qualitative health research 25 (1), 62-75, 2015
The sensitivity of measures of unwanted and unintended pregnancy using retrospective and prospective reporting: Evidence from Malawi
S Yeatman, C Sennott
Maternal and child health journal 19, 1593-1600, 2015
Modernizing marriage: Balancing the benefits and liabilities of bridewealth in rural South Africa
C Sennott, S Madhavan, Y Nam
Qualitative sociology 44 (1), 55-75, 2021
Premarital births and union formation in rural South Africa
C Sennott, G Reniers, FX Gómez-Olivé, J Menken
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 42 (4), 187, 2016
Working with teams of “insiders” qualitative approaches to data collection in the global south
E Schatz, N Angotti, S Madhavan, C Sennott
Demographic Research 32, 369-396, 2015
Fertility intentions and maternal health behaviour during and after pregnancy
E Chatterjee, C Sennott
Population studies 74 (1), 55-74, 2020
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Articles 1–20