Nangamso Nyangiwe
Cited by
Cited by
Synthesis and characterization of graphene thin films by chemical reduction of exfoliated and intercalated graphite oxide
FT Thema, MJ Moloto, ED Dikio, NN Nyangiwe, L Kotsedi, M Maaza, ...
Journal of chemistry 2013 (1), 150536, 2013
Free-green synthesis and dynamics of reduced graphene sheets via sun light irradiation
NN Nyangiwe, M Khenfouch, FT Thema, K Nukwa, L Kotsedi, M Maaza
Graphene 4 (03), 54, 2015
Adsorption and coadsorption of single and multiple natural organic matter on Ag (1 1 1) surface: A DFT-D study
NN Nyangiwe, CNM Ouma
Applied Surface Science 505, 144609, 2020
Modelling the adsorption of natural organic matter on Ag (111) surface: Insights from dispersion corrected density functional theory calculations
NN Nyangiwe, CNM Ouma
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 92, 313-319, 2019
Synthesis and characterization of graphene thin films via Hummers method
FT Thema, ED Dikio, MJ Moloto, M Khenfouch, NN Nyangiwe, L Kotsedi, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, Santa Clara …, 2012
Study on the interactions of Ag nanoparticles with low molecular weight organic matter using first principles calculations
Materials Chemistry and Physics 200, 270-279, 2017
The decolourisation of Methyl Orange and textile effluent under UV using commercial and synthesized nano-TiO2
NN Nyangiwe, B Baatjie, C Greyling, M Khenfouch, M Maaza
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 984, 012009, 2018
Competitive and multiple adsorption of humic and fulvic acids on spherical silver and gold engineered nanoparticles in aqueous media: A first-principles study
NN Nyangiwe, CNM Ouma
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16, 100586, 2021
Modelling the interactions of engineered nanoparticles with natural organic matter using in silico techniques
NN Nyangiwe
University of Pretoria, 2020
Graphene based nano-coatings: synthesis and physical-chemical investigations
NN Nyangiwe
UWC, 2012
Nano-TiO2 a bright solution for removing dyes from wastewater
N Nyangiwe
Research Article Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Thin Films by Chemical Reduction of Exfoliated and Intercalated Graphite Oxide
FT Thema, MJ Moloto, ED Dikio, NN Nyangiwe, L Kotsedi, M Maaza, ...
From Devils to Darlings: How we use Venoms, Toxins and Nanotechnology to Save Lives
J Nel
Research Article Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Thin Films by Chemical Reduction of Exfoliated and Intercalated Graphite Oxide
FT Thema, MJ Moloto, ED Dikio, NN Nyangiwe, L Kotsedi, M Maaza, ...
Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2012
FT Thema, ED Dikio, MJ Moloto, M Khenfouch, NN Nyangiwe, L Kotsedi, ...
Nanotechnology 2012: Advanced Materials, CNTs, Particles, Films and …, 2012
Understanding the Interaction of Environmental Pollutants Such as Nh3 and No with Nickel and Palladium Metallic Surfaces: A First-Principles Study
NN Nyangiwe
Available at SSRN 5106157, 0
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Articles 1–16