Richard Jongens
Richard Jongens
Anatoki Geoscience
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Geology of the Christchurch area
PJ Forsyth, DJA Barrell, R Jongens
GNS Science, 2008
High-level stratigraphic scheme for New Zealand rocks
N Mortimer, MS Rattenbury, PR King, KJ Bland, DJA Barrell, F Bache, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 57 (4), 402-419, 2014
Plutonic rocks of the Median Batholith in eastern and central Fiordland, New Zealand: Field relations, geochemistry, correlation, and nomenclature
AH Allibone, R Jongens, JM Scott, AJ Tulloch, IM Turnbull, AF Cooper, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 52 (2), 101-148, 2009
Surface rupture of the Greendale fault during the Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake, New Zealand: initial findings
M Quigley, R Van Dissen, P Villamor, N Litchfield, D Barrell, K Furlong, ...
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 43 (4), 236-242, 2010
Plutonic rocks of Western Fiordland, New Zealand: Field relations, geochemistry, correlation, and nomenclature
AH Allibone, R Jongens, IM Turnbull, LA Milan, NR Daczko, MC DePaoli, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 52 (4), 379-415, 2009
SHRIMP U‐Pb geochronology of Cretaceous magmatism in northwest Nelson‐Westland, South Island, New Zealand
RJ Muir, TR Ireland, SD Weaver, JD Bradshaw, TE Waight, R Jongens, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 40 (4), 453-463, 1997
Surface rupture displacement on the Greendale Fault during the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake, New Zealand, and its impact on man-madestructures.
R Van Dissen, D Barrell, N Litchfield, P Villamor, M Quigley, A King, ...
University of Canterbury. Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, 2011
Previously unknown fault shakes New Zealand's South Island
M Quigley, P Villamor, K Furlong, J Beavan, R Van Dissen, N Litchfield, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 91 (49), 469-470, 2010
Geology of the Fiordland area
IM Turnbull, AH Allibone, R Jongens
GNS Science, 2010
Tracking the influence of a continental margin on growth of a magmatic arc, Fiordland, New Zealand, using thermobarometry, thermochronology, and zircon U‐Pb and Hf isotopes
JM Scott, AF Cooper, JM Palin, AJ Tulloch, J Kula, R Jongens, TL Spell, ...
Tectonics 28 (6), 2009
Remote sensing data types and techniques for lahar path detection: A case study at Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand
KE Joyce, S Samsonov, V Manville, R Jongens, A Graettinger, SJ Cronin
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (8), 1778-1786, 2009
High‐resolution seismic images of potentially seismogenic structures beneath the northwest Canterbury Plains, New Zealand
C Dorn, AG Green, R Jongens, S Carpentier, AE Kaiser, F Campbell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B11), 2010
Geological Map of New Zealand, 1: 1 000 000
DW Heron, SW Edbrooke, PJ Forsyth, R Jongens
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited, 2015
Faulting and folding beneath the Canterbury Plains identified prior to the 2010 emergence of the Greendale Fault
R Jongens, DJA Barrell, JK Campbell, JR Pettinga
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 55 (3), 169-176, 2012
The Mw 7.6 Dusky sound earthquake of 2009: Preliminary report
B Fry, S Bannister, J Beavan, L Bland, B Bradley, S Cox, J Cousins, ...
University of Canterbury. Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, 2010
Extension-facilitated pulsed SIA-type “flare-up” magmatism at 370 Ma along the southeast Gondwana margin in New Zealand: Insights from U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry
R Turnbull, A Tulloch, J Ramezani, R Jongens
Bulletin 128 (9-10), 1500-1520, 2016
Geology of the Haast area
MS Rattenbury, R Jongens, SC Cox
GNS Science, 2010
Structure of the Buller and Takaka terrane rocks adjacent to the Anatoki fault, northwest Nelson, New Zealand
R Jongens
New Zealand Journal of geology and geophysics 49 (4), 443-461, 2006
Landslides caused by the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake and management of landslide risk in the immediate aftermath
G Dellow, M Yetton, C Massey, G Archibald, DJA Barrell, D Bell, Z Bruce, ...
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 44 (4), 227-238, 2011
Strike-slip ground-surface rupture (Greendale Fault) associated with the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake, Canterbury, New Zealand
DJA Barrell, NJ Litchfield, DB Townsend, M Quigley, RJ Van Dissen, ...
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 44 (3), 283-291, 2011
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Articles 1–20