Michael J. Nelson
Michael J. Nelson
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Political Science
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Cited by
Is the US Supreme Court's legitimacy grounded in performance satisfaction and ideology?
JL Gibson, MJ Nelson
American Journal of Political Science 59 (1), 162-174, 2015
The legitimacy of the US Supreme Court: Conventional wisdoms and recent challenges thereto
JL Gibson, MJ Nelson
Annual Review of Law and Social Science 10 (1), 201-219, 2014
Ignorance or opposition? Blank and spoiled votes in low-information, highly politicized environments
A Driscoll, MJ Nelson
Political Research Quarterly 67 (3), 547-561, 2014
Reconsidering positivity theory: What roles do politicization, ideological disagreement, and legal realism play in shaping US Supreme Court legitimacy?
JL Gibson, MJ Nelson
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 14 (3), 592-617, 2017
Change in institutional support for the US Supreme Court: Is the Court’s legitimacy imperiled by the decisions it makes?
JL Gibson, MJ Nelson
Public Opinion Quarterly 80 (3), 622-641, 2016
Black and blue: How African Americans judge the US legal system
JL Gibson, MJ Nelson
Oxford University Press, USA, 2018
Racial and Gender Diversity on State Courts-An AJS Study
M Reddick, MJ Nelson, RP Caufield
Judges J. 48, 28, 2009
How does hyperpoliticized rhetoric affect the US Supreme Court’s legitimacy?
MJ Nelson, JL Gibson
The Journal of Politics 81 (4), 1512-1516, 2019
Responsive justice?: Retention elections, prosecutors, and public opinion
MJ Nelson
Journal of Law and Courts 2 (1), 117-152, 2014
Judicial selection and the democratization of justice: Lessons from the Bolivian judicial elections
A Driscoll, MJ Nelson
Journal of Law and Courts 3 (1), 115-148, 2015
Oh, mi: A note on empirical examinations of judicial elections
MJ Nelson, RP Caufield, AD Martin
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13 (4), 495-511, 2013
The Transmission of Legal Precedent among State Supreme Courts in the Twenty-First Century
RK Hinkle, MJ Nelson
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16 (4), 391-410, 2016
The effects of trial judge gender and public opinion on criminal sentencing decisions
CL Boyd, MJ Nelson
Vand. L. Rev. 70, 1819, 2017
The 2011 judicial elections in Bolivia
A Driscoll, MJ Nelson
Electoral Studies 3 (31), 628-632, 2012
The Dynamics of US Supreme Court Legitimacy
MJ Nelson, P Tucker
Journal of Politics 83 (2), 767-71, 2021
Uncontested and unaccountable-rates of contestation in trial court elections
MJ Nelson
Judicature 94, 208, 2010
Opportunity and overrides: The effect of institutional public support on congressional overrides of Supreme Court decisions
MJ Nelson, A Uribe-McGuire
Political Research Quarterly 70 (3), 632-643, 2017
New evidence for a positive relationship between de facto judicial independence and state respect for empowerment rights
C Crabtree, MJ Nelson
International studies quarterly 61 (1), 210-224, 2017
Human capital in court: The role of attorney experience in US Supreme Court litigation
MJ Nelson, L Epstein
Journal of Law and Courts 10 (1), 61-85, 2022
The costs of court curbing: Evidence from the United States
A Driscoll, MJ Nelson
The Journal of Politics 85 (2), 609-624, 2023
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Articles 1–20