Derek Splitter
Derek Splitter
Senior Staff, Combustion and Fuel Science Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI): a pathway to controlled high-efficiency clean combustion
SL Kokjohn, RM Hanson, DA Splitter, RD Reitz
International Journal of Engine Research 12 (3), 209-226, 2011
Experiments and modeling of dual-fuel HCCI and PCCI combustion using in-cylinder fuel blending
SL Kokjohn, RM Hanson, DA Splitter, RD Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (2), 24-39, 2010
An experimental investigation of fuel reactivity controlled PCCI combustion in a heavy-duty engine
RM Hanson, SL Kokjohn, DA Splitter, RD Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 3 (2010-01-0864), 700-716, 2010
Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) heavy-duty engine operation at mid-and high-loads with conventional and alternative fuels
D Splitter, R Hanson, S Kokjohn, R Reitz
SAE Technical Paper 2013, 12-05, 2011
Fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion in light-and heavy-duty engines
S Kokjohn, R Hanson, D Splitter, J Kaddatz, R Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 4 (1), 360-374, 2011
High efficiency, low emissions RCCI combustion by use of a fuel additive
D Splitter, RD Reitz, R Hanson
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubrricants 3 (2), 742-756, 2010
Operating a heavy-duty direct-injection compression-ignition engine with gasoline for low emissions
R Hanson, D Splitter, R Reitz
SAE technical paper, 2009-01-1442, 2009
Fuel effects on reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion at low load
R Hanson, S Kokjohn, D Splitter, R Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 4 (1), 394-411, 2011
Investigation of fuel reactivity stratification for controlling PCI heat-release rates using high-speed chemiluminescence imaging and fuel tracer fluorescence
S Kokjohn, RD Reitz, D Splitter, M Musculus
SAE International Journal of Engines 5 (1), 248-269, 2012
RCCI Engine Operation Towards 60% Thermal Efficiency
D Splitter, M Wissink, D DelVescovo, R Reitz
SAE Technical Paper 2013, 04-29, 2013
Effect of compression ratio and piston geometry on RCCI load limits and efficiency
D Splitter, M Wissink, S Kokjohn, R Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2012-01-0383, 2012
An optical investigation of ignition processes in fuel reactivity controlled PCCI combustion
D Splitter, S Kokjohn, K Rein, R Hanson, S Sanders, RD Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 3 (1), 142-162, 2010
Pressure and temperature effects on fuels with varying octane sensitivity at high load in SI engines
JP Szybist, DA Splitter
Combustion and Flame 177, 49-66, 2017
What fuel properties enable higher thermal efficiency in spark-ignited engines?
JP Szybist, S Busch, RL McCormick, JA Pihl, DA Splitter, MA Ratcliff, ...
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 82, 100876, 2021
Fuel reactivity effects on the efficiency and operational window of dual-fuel compression ignition engines
DA Splitter, RD Reitz
Fuel 118, 163-175, 2014
Piston Bowl Optimization for RCCI Combustion in a Light-Duty Multi-Cylinder Engine
R Hanson, S Curran, R Wagner, S Kokjohn
SAE International Journal of Engines 5 (2), 286-299., 2012
The reduced effectiveness of EGR to mitigate knock at high loads in boosted SI engines
JP Szybist, SW Wagnon, D Splitter, WJ Pitz, M Mehl
SAE International Journal of Engines 10 (5), 2305-2318, 2017
Thermally Stratified Compression Ignition: A new advanced low temperature combustion mode with load flexibility
B Lawler, D Splitter, J Szybist, B Kaul
Applied energy 189, 122-132, 2017
Injection effects in low load RCCI dual-fuel combustion
D Splitter, R Hanson, S Kokjohn, M Wissink
SAE Technical Paper 2011, 11-12, 2011
Understanding chemistry-specific fuel differences at a constant RON in a boosted SI engine
JP Szybist, DA Splitter
Fuel 217, 370-381, 2018
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Articles 1–20