Pablo Ariel Ruiz
Pablo Ariel Ruiz
Research Associate Professor, Boston University
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Uncertainty management in the unit commitment problem
PA Ruiz, CR Philbrick, E Zak, KW Cheung, PW Sauer
IEEE transactions on power systems 24 (2), 642-651, 2009
Wind power day-ahead uncertainty management through stochastic unit commitment policies
PA Ruiz, CR Philbrick, PW Sauer
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-9, 2009
Tractable transmission topology control using sensitivity analysis
PA Ruiz, JM Foster, A Rudkevich, MC Caramanis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (3), 1550-1559, 2012
Reduced MIP formulation for transmission topology control
PA Ruiz, A Rudkevich, MC Caramanis, E Goldis, E Ntakou, CR Philbrick
2012 50th annual Allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2012
Voltage and reactive power estimation for contingency analysis using sensitivities
PA Ruiz, PW Sauer
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 22 (2), 639-647, 2007
Modeling approaches for computational cost reduction in stochastic unit commitment formulations
PA Ruiz, CR Philbrick, PW Sauer
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 588-589, 2009
Valuation of reserve services
PA Ruiz, PW Sauer
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
On fast transmission topology control heuristics
PA Ruiz, JM Foster, A Rudkevich, MC Caramanis
2011 IEEE power and energy society general meeting, 1-8, 2011
Reactive power reserve issues
PA Ruiz, PW Sauer
2006 38th North American Power Symposium, 439-445, 2006
Analysis of marginal carbon intensities in constrained power networks
PA Ruiz, A Rudkevich
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-9, 2010
An effective transmission network expansion cost allocation based on game theory
PA Ruiz, J Contreras
IEEE transactions on power systems 22 (1), 136-144, 2007
Security-constrained transmission topology control MILP formulation using sensitivity factors
PA Ruiz, E Goldis, AM Rudkevich, MC Caramanis, CR Philbrick, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 1597-1605, 2016
Spinning contingency reserve: Economic value and demand functions
PA Ruiz, PW Sauer
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (3), 1071-1078, 2008
Digital humanities and natural language processing:“je t’aime... moi non plus”
B McGillivray, T Poibeau, P Ruiz
Digital Humanities Quarterly 14 (2), 2020
Power market reform in the presence of flexible schedulable distributed loads. New bid rules, equilibrium and tractability issues
MC Caramanis, E Goldis, PA Ruiz, A Rudkevich
2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2012
Economic optimization of intra-day gas pipeline flow schedules using transient flow models
A Zlotnik, AM Rudkevich, E Goldis, PA Ruiz, M Caramanis, R Carter, ...
PSIG Annual Meeting, PSIG-1715, 2017
Shift factor-based SCOPF topology control MIP formulations with substation configurations
EA Goldis, PA Ruiz, MC Caramanis, X Li, CR Philbrick, AM Rudkevich
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 1179-1190, 2016
Applicability of topology control algorithms (TCA) to a real-size power system
EA Goldis, X Li, MC Caramanis, B Keshavamurthy, M Patel, ...
2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2013
Locational carbon footprint and renewable portfolio policies: A theory and its implications for the eastern interconnection of the US
A Rudkevich, PA Ruiz, RC Carroll
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-12, 2011
Short-term resource adequacy in electricity market design
PA Ruiz, G Gross
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (3), 916-926, 2008
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Articles 1–20