Paul Terhemba Iorember
Paul Terhemba Iorember
Department of Economics, Nile University of Nigeria
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Cited by
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on tourism: transformational potential and implications for a sustainable recovery of the travel and leisure industry
J Abbas, R Mubeen, PT Iorember, S Raza, G Mamirkulova
Current Research in Behavioral Sciences 2, 1-11, 2021
Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in India: the effects of energy consumption and democracy
O Usman, PT Iorember, IO Olanipekun
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 13390-13400, 2019
Modelling environmental degradation in South Africa: the effects of energy consumption, democracy, and globalization using innovation accounting tests
O Usman, IO Olanipekun, PT Iorember, M Abu-Goodman
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 8334–8349, 2020
Testing the nexus between renewable energy consumption and environmental quality in Nigeria: The role of broad‐based financial development
PT Iorember, GG Goshit, DT Dabwor
African Development Review 32 (2), 163-175, 2020
Testing the nexus between stock market returns and inflation in Nigeria: Does the effect of COVID‐19 pandemic matter?
G Jelilov, PT Iorember, O Usman, PM Yua
Journal of Public Affairs 20 (4), e2289, 2020
Effects of tourism, financial development, and renewable energy on environmental performance in EU-28: does institutional quality matter?
MS Musa, G Jelilov, PT Iorember, O Usman
Environmental science and pollution research 28 (38), 53328-53339, 2021
The influence of renewable energy use, human capital, and trade on environmental quality in South Africa: multiple structural breaks cointegration approach
PT Iorember, G Jelilov, O Usman, A Işık, B Celik
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 13162-13174, 2021
Understanding the bearable link between ecology and health outcomes: the criticality of human capital development and energy use
PT Iorember, B Iormom, TP Jato, J Abbas
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
Impact of international trade, energy consumption and income on environmental degradation in Africa's OPEC member countries
PT Iorember, S Gbaka, G Jelilov, N Alymkulova, O Usman
African Development Review 34 (2), 175-187, 2022
Stock market returns, globalization and economic growth in Nigeria: Evidence from volatility and cointegrating analyses
DT Dabwor, PT Iorember, S Yusuf Danjuma
Journal of Public Affairs, e2393, 2022
Towards mitigating ecological degradation in G-7 countries: accounting for economic effect dynamics, renewable energy consumption, and innovation
O Usman, PT Iorember, G Jelilov, A Isik, GN Ike, SA Sarkodie
Heliyon 7 (12), 2021
Commercial bank credit and manufacturing sector output in Nigeria
PT Iorember, E John
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 7 (16), 2016
Financial Stability and Sustainable Development
PK Ozili, PT Iorember
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023
Asymmetric effects of monetary policy shocks on output growth in Nigeria: Evidence from nonlinear ARDL and Hatemi‐J causality tests
GG Goshit, G Jelilov, PT Iorember, B Celik, OM Davd‐Wayas
Journal of Public Affairs, e2449, 2022
Inflation and Stock Market Returns Volatility: Evidence from the Nigerian Stock Exchange 1995Q1-2016Q4: An E-GARCH Approach
JT Sokpo, PT Iorember, T Usar
International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management 5 (2), 69-76, 2017
Asymmetric effects of renewable energy consumption, trade openness and economic growth on environmental quality in Nigeria and South Africa
PT Iorember, O Usman, G Jelilov
Political Stability and Economic Growth in Nigeria
DT Nomor, PT Iorember
Journal of Economics and Finance 8 (2), 45-53, 2017
Examining the interaction effect of control of corruption and income level on environmental quality in Africa
O Usman, PT Iorember, I Ozturk, FV Bekun
Sustainability 14 (18), 11391, 2022
Exchange rate pass‐through to restaurant and hotel prices in the United States: The role of energy prices and tourism development
O Usman, PT Iorember, G Jelilov
Journal of Public Affairs 21 (2), e2214, 2021
Macroeconomic and Household Welfare Impact of Increase in Minimum Wage in Nigeria: A Computable General Equilibrium Model
PT Abachi, PT Iorember
American Journal of Economics 7 (5), 249-258, 2017
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Articles 1–20