yulin jia
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Direct interaction of resistance gene and avirulence gene products confers rice blast resistance
Y Jia, SA McAdams, GT Bryan, HP Hershey, B Valent
The EMBO journal 19 (15), 4004-4014, 2000
A Single Amino Acid Difference Distinguishes Resistant and Susceptible Alleles of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta
GT Bryan, KS Wu, L Farrall, Y Jia, HP Hershey, SA McAdams, KN Faulk, ...
The Plant Cell 12 (11), 2033-2045, 2000
Initiation of plant disease resistance by physical interaction of AvrPto and Pto kinase
X Tang, RD Frederick, J Zhou, DA Halterman, Y Jia, GB Martin
Science 274 (5295), 2060-2063, 1996
Development of Dominant Rice Blast Pi‐ta Resistance Gene Markers
Y Jia, Z Wang, P Singh
Crop science 42 (6), 2145-2149, 2002
Instability of the Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVR-Pita alters virulence
E Zhou, Y Jia, P Singh, JC Correll, FN Lee
Fungal Genetics and biology 44 (10), 1024-1034, 2007
Transcriptome and methylome interactions in rice hybrids
RK Chodavarapu, S Feng, B Ding, SA Simon, D Lopez, Y Jia, GL Wang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (30), 12040-12045, 2012
The rice blast resistance gene Ptr encodes an atypical protein required for broad-spectrum disease resistance
H Zhao, X Wang, Y Jia, B Minkenberg, M Wheatley, J Fan, MH Jia, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2039, 2018
Signatures of adaptation in the weedy rice genome
LF Li, YL Li, Y Jia, AL Caicedo, KM Olsen
Nature genetics 49 (5), 811-814, 2017
Mapping quantitative trait loci responsible for resistance to sheath blight in rice
G Liu, Y Jia, FJ Correa-Victoria, GA Prado, KM Yeater, A McClung, ...
Phytopathology 99 (9), 1078-1084, 2009
An early response regulatory cluster induced by low temperature and hydrogen peroxide in seedlings of chilling-tolerant japonica rice
C Cheng, KY Yun, HW Ressom, B Mohanty, VB Bajic, Y Jia, SJ Yun, ...
BMC genomics 8, 1-18, 2007
Rapid Determination of Rice Cultivar Responses to the Sheath Blight Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Using a Micro-Chamber Screening Method
Y Jia, F Correa-Victoria, A McClung, L Zhu, G Liu, Y Wamishe, J Xie, ...
Plant Disease 91 (5), 485-489, 2007
Molecular evolution of shattering loci in US weedy rice
CS Thurber, M Reagon, BL Gross, KM Olsen, Y Jia, AL Caicedo
Molecular ecology 19 (16), 3271-3284, 2010
Rice Pi-ta gene confers resistance to the major pathotypes of the rice blast fungus in the United States
Y Jia, Z Wang, RG Fjellstrom, KAK Moldenhauer, MA Azam, J Correll, ...
Phytopathology 94 (3), 296-301, 2004
Diversification and evolution of the avirulence gene AVR-Pita1 in field isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae
Y Dai, Y Jia, J Correll, X Wang, Y Wang
Fungal Genetics and Biology 47 (12), 973-980, 2010
Determination of Host Responses to Magnaporthe grisea on Detached Rice Leaves Using a Spot Inoculation Method
Y Jia, B Valent, FN Lee
Plant Disease 87 (2), 129-133, 2003
Current advances on genetic resistance to rice blast disease
X Wang, S Lee, J Wang, J Ma, T Bianco, Y Jia
Rice-Germplasm, genetics and improvement, 195-217, 2014
Genomic patterns of nucleotide diversity in divergent populations of US weedy rice
M Reagon, CS Thurber, BL Gross, KM Olsen, Y Jia, AL Caicedo
BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1-16, 2010
Rapid survey for presence of a blast resistance gene Pi‐ta in rice cultivars using the dominant DNA markers derived from portions of the Pi‐ta gene
Z Wang, Y Jia, JN Rutger, Y Xia
Plant Breeding 126 (1), 36-42, 2007
Sequence variation at the rice blast resistance gene Pi-km locus: implications for the development of allele specific markers
S Costanzo, Y Jia
Plant Science 178 (6), 523-530, 2010
Natural variation at the Pi-ta rice blast resistance locus
Y Jia, GT Bryan, L Farrall, B Valent
Phytopathology 93 (11), 1452-1459, 2003
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