Anna A Matejko
Cited by
Cited by
Drawing connections between white matter and numerical and mathematical cognition: a literature review
AA Matejko, D Ansari
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 48, 35-52, 2015
Trajectories of symbolic and nonsymbolic magnitude processing in the first year of formal schooling
AA Matejko, D Ansari
PloS one 11 (3), e0149863, 2016
Individual differences in left parietal white matter predict math scores on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
AA Matejko, GR Price, MMM Mazzocco, D Ansari
Neuroimage 66, 604-610, 2013
Strong causal claims require strong evidence: A commentary on Wang and colleagues
R Merkley, AA Matejko, D Ansari
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 153, 163-167, 2017
Forging a new path for Educational Neuroscience: An international young-researcher perspective on combining neuroscience and educational practices
HL Pincham, AA Matejko, A Obersteiner, C Killikelly, KP Abrahao, ...
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 3 (1), 28-31, 2014
Developmental specialization of the left intraparietal sulcus for symbolic ordinal processing
AA Matejko, JE Hutchison, D Ansari
Cortex, 2018
Teachers as Orchestrators of Neuronal Plasticity: Effects of Teaching Practices on the Brain
LM Brault Foisy, AA Matejko, D Ansari, S Masson
Mind, Brain, and Education, 1-14, 2020
The neural association between arithmetic and basic numerical processing depends on arithmetic problem size and not chronological age
AA Matejko, D Ansari
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 37, 100653, 2019
Contributions of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to the study of numerical cognition
AA Matejko, D Ansari
Journal of Numerical Cognition 4 (3), 505-525, 2018
How do individual differences in children's domain specific and domain general abilities relate to brain activity within the intraparietal sulcus during arithmetic? An fMRI study
AA Matejko, D Ansari
Human brain mapping 38 (8), 3941-3956, 2017
Shared neural circuits for visuospatial working memory and arithmetic in children and adults
AA Matejko, D Ansari
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 33 (6), 1003-1019, 2021
The Relationship between Brain Structure and Proficiency in Reading and Mathematics in Children, Adolescents, and Emerging Adults
GA Torre, AA Matejko, GF Eden
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020
The role of the angular gyrus in arithmetic processing: A literature review
HM Sokolowski, AA Matejko, D Ansari
Brain Structure and Function 228 (1), 293-304, 2023
Exploring the origins and development of the visual number form area: a functionally specialized and domain-specific region for the processing of number symbols?
R Merkley, ED Wilkey, AA Matejko
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (17), 4659-4661, 2016
The relationship between phonological processing and arithmetic in children with learning disabilities
AA Matejko, M Lozano, N Schlosberg, C McKay, L Core, C Revsine, ...
Developmental science 26 (2), e13294, 2023
Sulcation of the intraparietal sulcus is related to symbolic but not non-symbolic number skills
M Roell, A Cachia, AA Matejko, O Houdé, D Ansari, G Borst
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 51, 100998, 2021
Neurocognitive mechanisms of co‐occurring math difficulties in dyslexia: Differences in executive function and visuospatial processing
RA Marks, C Pollack, SL Meisler, AM D'Mello, TM Centanni, RR Romeo, ...
Developmental Science 27 (2), e13443, 2024
Imaging the developing human brain using functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging
SE Vogel, AA Matejko, D Ansari
Practical Research with Children, 46, 2016
Teachers as orchestrators of neuronal plasticity: effects of teaching practices on the brain. Mind, Brain, and Education, 14 (4), 415-428
LM Brault Foisy, AA Matejko, D Ansari, S Masson
Functional neuroanatomy of arithmetic in monolingual and bilingual adults and children
E Brignoni‐Pérez, AA Matejko, NI Jamal, GF Eden
Human Brain Mapping 42 (15), 4880-4895, 2021
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Articles 1–20