Enno Siemsen
Cited by
Cited by
Common method bias in regression models with linear, quadratic, and interaction effects
E Siemsen, A Roth, P Oliveira
Organizational research methods 13 (3), 456-476, 2010
How motivation, opportunity, and ability drive knowledge sharing: The constraining-factor model
E Siemsen, AV Roth, S Balasubramanian
Journal of Operations Management 26 (3), 426-445, 2008
The influence of psychological safety and confidence in knowledge on employee knowledge sharing
E Siemsen, AV Roth, S Balasubramanian, G Anand
Manufacturing & service operations management 11 (3), 429-447, 2009
Incentives that induce task-related effort, helping, and knowledge sharing in workgroups
E Siemsen, S Balasubramanian, AV Roth
Management science 53 (10), 1533-1550, 2007
Behavioral operations: the state of the field
R Croson, K Schultz, E Siemsen, ML Yeo
Journal of Operations Management 31 (1-2), 1-5, 2013
Decentralization and localization of production: The organizational and economic consequences of additive manufacturing (3D printing)
A Ben-Ner, E Siemsen
California Management Review 59 (2), 5-23, 2017
Behavioral operations and supply chain management–a review and literature mapping
B Fahimnia, M Pournader, E Siemsen, E Bendoly, C Wang
Decision Sciences 50 (6), 1127-1183, 2019
Demand forecasting behavior: System neglect and change detection
M Kremer, B Moritz, E Siemsen
Management Science 57 (10), 1827-1843, 2011
Judgmental selection of forecasting models
F Petropoulos, N Kourentzes, K Nikolopoulos, E Siemsen
Journal of Operations Management 60, 34-46, 2018
Integrating human judgement into quantitative forecasting methods: A review
M Arvan, B Fahimnia, M Reisi, E Siemsen
Omega 86, 237-252, 2019
Running behavioral operations experiments using Amazon's Mechanical Turk
YS Lee, YW Seo, E Siemsen
Production and Operations Management 27 (5), 973-989, 2018
Decay, shock, and renewal: Operational routines and process entropy in the pharmaceutical industry
G Anand, J Gray, E Siemsen
Organization Science 23 (6), 1700-1716, 2012
Judgmental forecasting: Cognitive reflection and decision speed
B Moritz, E Siemsen, M Kremer
Production and Operations Management 23 (7), 1146-1160, 2014
Penrose's The Theory of the Growth of the Firm: An Exemplar of Engaged Scholarship
YY Kor, JT Mahoney, E Siemsen, D Tan
Production and Operations Management 25 (10), 1727-1744, 2016
Colocation still matters: Conformance quality and the interdependence of R&D and manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry
JV Gray, E Siemsen, G Vasudeva
Management science 61 (11), 2760-2781, 2015
Do plant inspections predict future quality? The role of investigator experience
G Ball, E Siemsen, R Shah
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19 (4), 534-550, 2017
Task decomposition and newsvendor decision making
YS Lee, E Siemsen
Management Science 63 (10), 3226-3245, 2017
The sum and its parts: Judgmental hierarchical forecasting
M Kremer, E Siemsen, DJ Thomas
Management Science 62 (9), 2745-2764, 2016
Effective judgmental forecasting in the context of fashion products
M Seifert, E Siemsen, AL Hadida, AB Eisingerich
Journal of Operations Management 36, 33-45, 2015
The usefulness of behavioral laboratory experiments in supply chain management research
E Siemsen
Journal of Supply Chain Management 47 (3), 17-18, 2011
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20