Alabi Oladunni Oyelola
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Cited by
Effect of aqueous extracts of bitter leaf powder on the corrosion inhibition of Al-Si alloy in 0.5 M caustic soda solution
FA Ayeni, IA Madugu, P Sukop, AP Ihom, OO Alabi, R Okara, ...
Journal of Minerals and Materials characterization and Engineering 11 (7 …, 2012
A review on the parameters affecting the mechanical, physical, and thermal properties of natural/synthetic fibre hybrid reinforced polymer composites
DO Bichang’a, FO Aramide, IO Oladele, OO Alabi
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2022 (1), 7024099, 2022
Investigation of Sida acuta (Wire Weed) Plant Extract as Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminium-Copper-Magnessium Alloy in Acidic Medium
FA Ayeni, S Alawode, D Joseph, P Sukop, V Olawuyi, TE Alonge, ...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 2014, 2014
Comparative beneficiation study of gyel columbite ore using double stage (magnetic-to-magnetic and magnetic-to-gravity) separation techniques
OO Alabi, SA Yaro, GT Dungka, F Asuke, B Hassan
Journal of minerals and materials characterization and Engineering 4 (2 …, 2016
The potentials of waste organic materials for surface hardness improvement of mild steel
AP Ihom, GB Nyior, OO Alabi, S Segun, IJ Nor, JN Ogbodo
Int J Sci Eng Res 3 (11), 1-20, 2012
Extraction and Characterization of Natural Fiber from the Stem of Dombeya Buettneri Plant for Biodegradable Polymeric Composites Application
DO Bichang’a, IO Oladele, FO Aramide, OO Alabi
Journal of Natural Fibers 20 (2), 2283716, 2023
A review on the influence of natural-synthetic fibre hybrid reinforced polymer composites for bulletproof and ballistic applications
DO Bichang’a, OO Alabi, IO Oladele, FO Aramide, AA Adediran, ...
Matériaux & Techniques 110 (5), 503, 2022
Determination of work index of gyel-bukuru columbite ore in Plateau State, Nigeria
OO Alabi, SA Yaro, GT Dungka, F Asuke, ET Dauda
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 3 (03), 194, 2015
Recent trends and developments in surface hardening technology: A focus on new ceramics for surface modification in industry
AP Ihom, JI Nor, OO Alabi, AW Usman
Int J Sci Eng Res 3 (11), 1-27, 2012
Evaluation of un-preprocessed expired piroxicam drug as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acid
OS Michael, O Borode, OO Alabi, KK Alaneme, AA Adesoji
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 61, 29-50, 2022
Determination of work index for iperindo lode gold deposit at Ilesha Goldfield Osun State, Nigeria using modified bond index
AY Vincent, O Blessing, AO Oyelola, JA Ajayi, A Ayo
American Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing 4 (1), 37-42, 2019
Suitability of selected Nigerian clays for foundry crucibles production
MO Adeoti, OA Dahunsi, OO Awopetu, FO Aramide, OO Alabi, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 35, 1316-1323, 2019
Extraction of a low grade zinc ore using gravity and froth flotation methods
AO Oyelola, DA Abdu, AD Victor, MT Igonwelundu, BM Bosan, ...
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 20 (4), 903-908, 2016
Comparative test for the upgrading of lead in Sabon Layi lead-zinc ore (Alkaleri Local Government Area, Bauchi State), using gravity and froth flotation beneficiation methods
OO Alabi, BO Araoye, MB Bala, MT Igbonwelundu, DV Abere, AA Dalhatu
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science 2 (6 …, 2016
Determination of Bond Index of Wasagu Manganese Ore in Kebbi State, Nigeria
OO Alabi, YA Shehu, H Binta
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3 (10), 1-8, 2012
Design of a Bimodal Home Automation System using ESP8266 and ATMEGA328 Microcontroller
SO Zakariyya, AF Salami, OO Alabi, AM Usman
Computer Engineering and Applications Journal 6 (3), 95-108, 2017
Beneficiation of Ajabanoko Iron Ore Deposit, Kogi State, Nigeria, Using Magnetic Methods
OO Alabi
International Journal in Civil, Metallurgical and Energy Science 2 (3), 91-93, 2016
Solid waste management: the use of broken waste bottles as reinforcement agent for aluminum matrix composite
PA Ihom, GB Nyior, OO Alabi, EE Anbua, J Ogbodo, S Segun
International Journal of Science and Technology 1 (10), 546-551, 2012
Assessment of Sponge Gourd (Luffa Aegyptical) Fiber as a Polymer Reinforcement in Concrete
AI Quadri, O Alabi
Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application 4 (2), 125-132, 2020
Beneficiation of tailings
FA Ayeni, OO Alabi, SO Ola
Proceedings of 16th Nigeria Metallurgical Society Annual Conference, Abuja …, 1999
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Articles 1–20