Tao Han
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Zitiert von
5G ultra-dense cellular networks
X Ge, S Tu, G Mao, CX Wang, T Han
IEEE wireless communications 23 (1), 72-79, 2016
5G wireless backhaul networks: challenges and research advances
X Ge, H Cheng, M Guizani, T Han
IEEE network 28 (6), 6-11, 2014
Spatial spectrum and energy efficiency of random cellular networks
X Ge, B Yang, J Ye, G Mao, CX Wang, T Han
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (3), 1019-1030, 2015
Energy efficiency optimization of 5G radio frequency chain systems
R Zi, X Ge, J Thompson, CX Wang, H Wang, T Han
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (4), 758-771, 2016
Energy-efficiency optimization for MIMO-OFDM mobile multimedia communication systems with QoS constraints
X Ge, X Huang, Y Wang, M Chen, Q Li, T Han, CX Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (5), 2127-2138, 2014
Energy efficiency of small cell backhaul networks based on Gauss–Markov mobile models
X Ge, S Tu, T Han, Q Li, G Mao
IET Networks 4 (2), 158-167, 2015
5G converged cell-less communications in smart cities
T Han, X Ge, L Wang, KS Kwak, Y Han, X Liu
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 44-50, 2017
Spectrum and energy efficiency evaluation of two-tier femtocell networks with partially open channels
X Ge, T Han, Y Zhang, G Mao, CX Wang, J Zhang, B Yang, S Pan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (3), 1306-1319, 2013
Traffic matching in 5G ultra-dense networks
Y Zhong, X Ge, HH Yang, T Han, Q Li
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (8), 100-105, 2018
Tradeoff between delay and physical layer security in wireless networks
Y Zhong, X Ge, T Han, Q Li, J Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (7), 1635-1647, 2018
Cell-less communications in 5G vehicular networks based on vehicle-installed access points
L Wang, T Han, Q Li, J Yan, X Liu, D Deng
IEEE wireless communications 24 (6), 64-71, 2017
On downlink NOMA in heterogeneous networks with non-uniform small cell deployment
T Han, J Gong, X Liu, SMR Islam, Q Li, Z Bai, KS Kwak
IEEE Access 6, 31099-31109, 2018
Performance of transmit antenna selection in non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G systems
AP Shrestha, T Han, Z Bai, JM Kim, KS Kwak
2016 Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks …, 2016
Small cell offloading through cooperative communication in software-defined heterogeneous networks
T Han, Y Han, X Ge, Q Li, J Zhang, Z Bai, L Wang
IEEE sensors journal 16 (20), 7381-7392, 2016
Interference minimization in 5G heterogeneous networks
T Han, G Mao, Q Li, L Wang, J Zhang
Mobile Networks and Applications 20, 756-762, 2015
On connectivity and energy efficiency for sleeping-schedule-based wireless sensor networks
L Wang, J Yan, T Han, D Deng
Sensors 19 (9), 2126, 2019
Small-cell networks with fractal coverage characteristics
X Ge, X Tian, Y Qiu, G Mao, T Han
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (11), 5457-5469, 2018
5g software-defined heterogeneous networks with cooperation and partial connectivity
T Han, S Li, Y Zhong, Z Bai, KS Kwak
IEEE Access 7, 72577-72590, 2019
Genetic algorithm based pilot allocation scheme for massive MIMO system
N Zhang, ZQ Bai, B Zhang, YY Su, T Han, KS Kwak
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 1-5, 2016
A new cell association scheme in heterogeneous networks
B Yang, G Mao, X Ge, T Han
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5627-5632, 2015
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