Jeremy Vaudo
Jeremy Vaudo
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Applying stable isotopes to examine food‐web structure: an overview of analytical tools
CA Layman, MS Araujo, R Boucek, CM Hammerschlag‐Peyer, E Harrison, ...
Biological reviews 87 (3), 545-562, 2012
Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries
N Queiroz, NE Humphries, A Couto, M Vedor, I Da Costa, AMM Sequeira, ...
Nature 572 (7770), 461-466, 2019
Predator–Prey Interactions
MR Heithaus, JJ Vaudo
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, Second Edition, 505-546, 2012
Unraveling the ecological importance of elasmobranchs
MR Heithaus, A Frid, JJ Vaudo, B Worm, AJ Wirsing
Sharks and their relatives II, 627-654, 2010
Dietary niche overlap in a nearshore elasmobranch mesopredator community
JJ Vaudo, MR Heithaus
Marine Ecology Progress Series 425, 247-260, 2011
Diel movement patterns of the Hawaiian stingray, Dasyatis lata: implications for ecological interactions between sympatric elasmobranch species
DP Cartamil, JJ Vaudo, CG Lowe, BM Wetherbee, KN Holland
Marine Biology 142, 841-847, 2003
A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks
CS Bird, A Veríssimo, S Magozzi, KG Abrantes, A Aguilar, H Al-Reasi, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (2), 299-305, 2018
Movement patterns of the round stingray Urobatis halleri(Cooper) near a thermal outfall
JJ Vaudo, CG Lowe
Journal of Fish Biology 68 (6), 1756-1766, 2006
Apparent resource partitioning and trophic structure of large-bodied marine predators in a relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem
MR Heithaus, JJ Vaudo, S Kreicker, CA Layman, M Krützen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, 225-237, 2013
Long‐term satellite tracking reveals region‐specific movements of a large pelagic predator, the shortfin mako shark, in the western North Atlantic Ocean
JJ Vaudo, ME Byrne, BM Wetherbee, GM Harvey, MS Shivji
Journal of applied ecology 54 (6), 1765-1775, 2017
Site specialists, diet generalists? Isotopic variation, site fidelity, and foraging by loggerhead turtles in Shark Bay, Western Australia
JA Thomson, MR Heithaus, DA Burkholder, JJ Vaudo, AJ Wirsing, LM Dill
Marine Ecology Progress Series 453, 213-226, 2012
Spatiotemporal variability in a sandflat elasmobranch fauna in Shark Bay, Australia
JJ Vaudo, MR Heithaus
Marine Biology 156 (12), 2579-2590, 2009
Vertical movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus in the western North Atlantic Ocean are strongly influenced by temperature
JJ Vaudo, BM Wetherbee, AD Wood, K Weng, LA Howey-Jordan, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 547, 163-175, 2016
Intraspecific variation in vertical habitat use by tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the western North Atlantic
JJ Vaudo, BM Wetherbee, G Harvey, RS Nemeth, C Aming, N Burnie, ...
Ecology and evolution 4 (10), 1768-1786, 2014
Mother–offspring isotope fractionation in two species of placentatrophic sharks
JJ Vaudo, P Matich, MR Heithaus
Journal of Fish Biology 77 (7), 1724-1727, 2010
Microhabitat selection by marine mesoconsumers in a thermally heterogeneous habitat: behavioral thermoregulation or avoiding predation risk?
JJ Vaudo, MR Heithaus
PloS one 8 (4), e61907, 2013
Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology
S Andrzejaczek, TCD Lucas, MC Goodman, NE Hussey, AJ Armstrong, ...
Science Advances 8 (33), eabo1754, 2022
Satellite telemetry reveals higher fishing mortality rates than previously estimated, suggesting overfishing of an apex marine predator
ME Byrne, E Cortés, JJ Vaudo, GCMN Harvey, M Sampson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1860), 20170658, 2017
The trophic role of a large marine predator, the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier
LC Ferreira, M Thums, MR Heithaus, A Barnett, KG Abrantes, BJ Holmes, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7641, 2017
Trophic interactions of common elasmobranchs in deep-sea communities of the Gulf of Mexico revealed through stable isotope and stomach content analysis
DA Churchill, MR Heithaus, JJ Vaudo, RD Grubbs, K Gastrich, JI Castro
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 115, 92-102, 2015
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Articles 1–20