Wilma Viviers
Cited by
Cited by
Competitive intelligence: construct exploration, validation and equivalence
A Saayman, J Pienaar, P De Pelsmacker, W Viviers, L Cuyvers, ML Muller, ...
Aslib Proceedings 60 (4), 383-411, 2008
Internationalization behavior of small-and medium-sized South African enterprises
JL Calof, W Viviers
Journal of Small Business Management 33 (4), 71, 1995
Enhancing a competitive intelligence culture in South Africa
W Viviers, A Saayman, ML Muller
International Journal of Social Economics 32 (7), 576-589, 2005
Competitive intelligence practices of South African and Belgian exporters
P De Pelsmacker, ML Muller, W Viviers, A Saayman, L Cuyvers, M Jegers
Marketing intelligence & planning 23 (6), 606-620, 2005
Competitive intelligence practices: A South African study
W Viviers, A Saayman, ML Muller, J Calof
South African Journal of Business Management 33 (3), 27-37, 2002
Identifying export opportunities for South Africa in the southern engines: a DSM approach
J Pearson, W Viviers, L Cuyvers, W Naude
International Business Review 19 (4), 345-359, 2010
The evolution of competitive intelligence in South Africa: early 1980s-2003
V Wilma, M Marie-Luce
Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management 2 (2), 53-69, 2004
Export market selection methods and the identification of realistic export opportunities for South Africa using a decision support model
E Steenkamp, R Rossouw, W Viviers, L Cuyvers
The methodology of the decision support model (DSM)
L Cuyvers, E Steenkamp, W Viviers
Export promotion: A decision support model approach, 53-80, 2012
Export promotion: a decision support model approach
L Cuyvers
African Sun Media, 2012
The measurement of export readiness of companies in South Africa
S Van Eldik, W Viviers
Southern African Business Review 9 (2), 1-11, 2005
Competitive intelligence: an instrument to enhance South Africa's competitiveness: economic
W Viviers, M Muller
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 8 (2), 246-254, 2005
Obstacles in attracting increased portfolio investment into southern Africa
N Brink, W Viviers
Development Southern Africa 20 (2), 213-236, 2003
Identifying Thailand’s high-potential export opportunities in ASEAN+ 3 countries
L Cuyvers, E Steenkamp, W Viviers, R Rossouw, M Cameron
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 16 (1), 2-33, 2017
Is there a link between BRIC foreign direct investment and SADC export performance?
D le Clus-Rossouw, W Viviers, E Loots
Development Southern Africa 32 (6), 658-674, 2015
Big data analytics and international market selection: an exploratory study
J Calof, W Viviers
Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business 10 (2), 2020
Identifying industrial clusters for regional economic diversification: The case of South Africa's North West province
N Pisa, R Rossouw, W Viviers
Clute Institute, 2015
Challenges for the floriculture industry in a developing country: a South African perspective
M Matthee, W Naudé, W Viviers
Development Southern Africa 23 (4), 511-528, 2006
Export intensity and the competitive intelligence of exporting companies: Evidence from South Africa
L Cuyvers, M Dumont, W Viviers, P De Pelsmacker, ML Muller, M Jegers, ...
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 11 (1), 85-97, 2008
Creating an intelligence society in South Africa
J Calof, W Viviers
Africa Insight 31 (2), 61-67, 2001
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Articles 1–20