Ralph Whalley
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Cited by
Seedling Vigor and the Early Nonphotosynthetic Stage of Seedling Growth in Grasses1
RDB Whalley, CM McKell, LR Green
Crop Science 6 (2), 147-150, 1966
General effects of management and grazing by domestic livestock on the rangelands of the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales.
RDB Whalley, GG Robinson, JA Taylor
The Rangeland Journal 1 (2), 174-190, 1976
The “foliage is the fruit” hypothesis: Buchloe dactyloides (Poaceae) and the shortgrass prairie of North America
JA Quinn, DP Mowrey, SM Emanuele, RDB Whalley
American Journal of Botany 81 (12), 1545-1554, 1994
Factors affecting germination of coolatai grass (Hyparrhenia hirta)
VK Chejara, P Kristiansen, RDB Whalley, BM Sindel, C Nadolny
Weed Science 56 (4), 543-548, 2008
Native and natural pastures on the Northern Slopes and Tablelands of New South Wales: a review and annotated bibliography
GM Lodge, RD Whalley
NSW Agriculture & Fisheries, 1989
Using strategically applied grazing to manage invasive alien plants in novel grasslands
J Firn, JN Price, RDB Whalley
Ecological Processes 2, 1-11, 2013
Studies in Halophytes: II. Analytic Data on the Mineral Constituents of Three Species of Atriplex and their Accompanying Soils in Australia
NCW Beadle, RDB Whalley, JB Gibson
Ecology 38 (2), 340-344, 1957
Resilience of a high‐conservation‐value, semi‐arid grassland on fertile clay soils to burning, mowing and ploughing
T Lewis, N Reid, PJ Clarke, RDB Whalley
Austral Ecology 35 (4), 464-481, 2010
Perennial grassland dynamics on fertile plains: is coexistence mediated by disturbance?
T Lewis, PJ Clarke, N Reid, RDB Whalley
Austral Ecology 33 (2), 128-139, 2008
Prolonged summer flooding switched dominance from the invasive weed lippia (Phyla canescens) to native species in one small, ephemeral wetland.
J Price, CL Gross, W Whalley
Ecological Management & Restoration 11 (1), 2010
Yield, Survival, and Carbohydrate Reserve of Hardinggrass in Relation to Herbage Removal.
CM McKell, V Whalley
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 19 (2 …, 1966
Eucalypt re-establishment on the northern tablelands of New South Wales
D Curtis, R Whalley, R Boyd
Interrelation of Carbohydrate Metabolism, Seedling Development, and Seedling Growth Rate of Several Species of Phalaris1
R Derwyn, B Whalley, CM McKell
Agronomy Journal 59 (3), 223-226, 1967
Assessment of Napier grass accessions in lowland and highland tropical environments of East Africa: water stress indices, water use and water use efficiency
SW Mwendia, IAM Yunusa, BM Sindel, RDB Whalley, IW Kariuki
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 (6), 1953-1961, 2017
Ecology of'Phyla canescens'(Verbenaceae) in Australia
M MacDonald, R Whalley, J Duggin, B Sindel, M Julien
Büffel grass, Cenchrus ciliaris.
KF Flemons, RD Whalley
What drives plant biodiversity in the clay floodplain grasslands of NSW?
T Lewis, PJ Clarke, RDB Whalley, N Reid
The Rangeland Journal 31 (3), 329-351, 2009
Seed abscission and retention in Indian ricegrass.
RDB Whalley, TA Jones, DC Nielson, RJ Mueller
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 43 (4 …, 1990
Seed bank dynamics of Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. and its encroachment potential in sub-humid grasslands of eastern Australia
HI Erkovan, PJ Clarke, RDB Whalley
The Rangeland Journal 35 (4), 427-433, 2013
Seed Physical Characteristics And Germination of hardinggrass (Phalaris tuberosa var stenoptera (Hack.) Hitch.).
RDB Whalley, LR McKell
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 19 (3 …, 1966
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