João F. Ferreira
João F. Ferreira
Instituto Superior Técnico (Univ. Lisboa) & INESC-ID
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Cited by
Empirical review of automated analysis tools on 47,587 ethereum smart contracts
T Durieux, JF Ferreira, R Abreu, P Cruz
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International conference on software …, 2020
Smartbugs: A framework to analyze solidity smart contracts
JF Ferreira, P Cruz, T Durieux, R Abreu
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM international conference on automated …, 2020
Framer: Planning models from natural language action descriptions
A Lindsay, J Read, J Ferreira, T Hayton, J Porteous, P Gregory
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2017
JaSkel: A Java skeleton-based framework for structured cluster and grid computing
JF Ferreira, JL Sobral, AJ Proença
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID …, 2006
Linear logic programming for narrative generation
C Martens, AG Bosser, JF Ferreira, M Cavazza
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 12th International Conference …, 2013
Automated verification of the FreeRTOS scheduler in Hip/Sleek
JF Ferreira, C Gherghina, G He, S Qin, WN Chin
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 381-397, 2014
Ecoandroid: An android studio plugin for developing energy-efficient java mobile applications
A Ribeiro, JF Ferreira, A Mendes
2021 IEEE 21st international conference on software quality, reliability and …, 2021
Generative story worlds as linear logic programs
C Martens, JF Ferreira, AG Bosser, M Cavazza
Seventh Intelligent Narrative Technologies Workshop, 2014
Visualization of patient behavior from natural language recommendations
J Siddle, A Lindsay, JF Ferreira, J Porteous, J Read, F Charles, ...
Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-4, 2017
On Euclid’s algorithm and elementary number theory
R Backhouse, JF Ferreira
Science of Computer Programming 76 (3), 160-180, 2011
Glitch: Automated polyglot security smell detection in infrastructure as code
N Saavedra, JF Ferreira
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2022
Smartbugs 2.0: An execution framework for weakness detection in ethereum smart contracts
M Di Angelo, T Durieux, JF Ferreira, G Salzer
2023 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2023
Storyframer: From input stories to output planning models
T Hayton, J Porteous, J Ferreira, A Lindsay, J Read
Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS). The …, 2017
Certified password quality: a case study using Coq and Linux pluggable authentication modules
JF Ferreira, SA Johnson, A Mendes, PJ Brooke
Integrated Formal Methods: 13th International Conference, IFM 2017, Turin …, 2017
Structure editing of handwritten mathematics: Improving the computer support for the calculational method
A Mendes, R Backhouse, JF Ferreira
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Interactive …, 2014
Recounting the rationals: twice!
R Backhouse, JF Ferreira
Mathematics of Program Construction: 9th International Conference, MPC 2008 …, 2008
Integrating an academic management system with blockchain: A case study
S Guerreiro, JF Ferreira, T Fonseca, M Correia
Blockchain: Research and Applications 3 (4), 100099, 2022
Narrative planning model acquisition from text summaries and descriptions
T Hayton, J Porteous, J Ferreira, A Lindsay
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (02), 1709-1716, 2020
Reasoning about fences and relaxed atomics
M He, V Vafeiadis, S Qin, JF Ferreira
2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2016
Automated narrative planning model extension
J Porteous, JF Ferreira, A Lindsay, M Cavazza
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 35 (2), 19, 2021
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Articles 1–20