Daniel Fullmer
Daniel Fullmer
PhD Student, Yale
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Analysis of difficulty control in bitcoin and proof-of-work blockchains
D Fullmer, AS Morse
2018 IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 5988-5992, 2018
A distributed algorithm for efficiently solving linear equations and its applications (special issue jcw)
S Mou, Z Lin, L Wang, D Fullmer, AS Morse
Systems & Control Letters 91, 21-27, 2016
A distributed algorithm with an arbitrary initialization for solving a linear algebraic equation
L Wang, D Fullmer, AS Morse
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 1078-1081, 2016
A hybrid observer for a distributed linear system with a changing neighbor graph
L Wang, AS Morse, D Fullmer, J Liu
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1024-1029, 2017
A distributed algorithm for computing a common fixed point of a finite family of paracontractions
D Fullmer, AS Morse
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (9), 2833-2843, 2018
A Distributed Algorithm for Computing a Common Fixed Point of a Family of Paracontractions
D Fullmer, L Wang, AS Morse, 2016
Distributed control of linear multi-channel systems: Summary of results
L Wang, D Fullmer, F Liu, AS Morse
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 4576-4581, 2020
A distributed algorithm for computing a common fixed point of a family of strongly quasi-nonexpansive maps
J Liu, D Fullmer, A Nedić, T Başar, AS Morse
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 686-690, 2017
A distributed algorithm for efficiently solving linear equations
S Mou, AS Morse, Z Lin, L Wang, D Fullmer
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6791-6796, 2015
Distributed Feedback Control of Multichannel Linear Systems
F Liu, L Wang, D Fullmer, AS Morse
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (12), 7164-7178, 2023
A generalized discrete-time Altafini model
L Wang, J Liu, AS Morse, BDO Anderson, D Fullmer
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 1435-1440, 2018
On the distributed computation of a common fixed point of a family of paracontractions
D Fullmer, L Wang, AS Morse
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2289-2293, 2017
How good is bad weather?
D Fullmer, V Chetty, S Warnick
2014 American Control Conference, 2711-2716, 2014
Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for finding a common fixed point of a family of maps using a distributed algorithm
D Fullmer, J Liu, AS Morse
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 8248-8253, 2019
Distributed Control of Linear Multi-Channel Systems
L Wang, D Fullmer, F Liu, AS Morse
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11823, 2019
Distributed Computation of Common Fixed Points over Time-Varying Graphs
D Fullmer
Yale University, 2020
Reprint of “A distributed algorithm for efficiently solving linear equations and its applications (Special Issue JCW)”
S Mou, Z Lin, L Wang, D Fullmer, AS Morse
Systems & Control Letters 95, 46-52, 2016
Press sheet optimization for open loop control of industrial scale gang-run printing
D Fullmer, S Warnick
2013 American Control Conference, 3517-3522, 2013
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