Robert M Wagner
Robert M Wagner
Director, National Transportation Research Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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IJER editorial: The future of the internal combustion engine
RD Reitz, H Ogawa, R Payri, T Fansler, S Kokjohn, Y Moriyoshi, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (1), 3-10, 2020
Nonlinear optics in relativistic plasmas and laser wake field acceleration of electrons
D Umstadter, SY Chen, A Maksimchuk, G Mourou, R Wagner
Science 273 (5274), 472-475, 1996
Electron acceleration by a laser wakefield in a relativistically self-guided channel
R Wagner, SY Chen, A Maksimchuk, D Umstadter
Physical Review Letters 78 (16), 3125, 1997
Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet
GS Sarkisov, VY Bychenkov, VN Novikov, VT Tikhonchuk, A Maksimchuk, ...
Physical Review E 59 (6), 7042, 1999
The role of hydrogen for future internal combustion engines
A Onorati, R Payri, BM Vaglieco, AK Agarwal, C Bae, G Bruneaux, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (4), 529-540, 2022
A perspective on the range of gasoline compression ignition combustion strategies for high engine efficiency and low NOx and soot emissions: Effects of in-cylinder fuel …
AB Dempsey, SJ Curran, RM Wagner
International Journal of Engine Research 17 (8), 897-917, 2016
In-cylinder fuel blending of gasoline/diesel for improved efficiency and lowest possible emissions on a multi-cylinder light-duty diesel engine
S Curran, V Prikhodko, K Cho, CS Sluder, J Parks, R Wagner, S Kokjohn, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
Evolution of a plasma waveguide created during relativistic-ponderomotive self-channeling of an intense laser pulse
SY Chen, GS Sarkisov, A Maksimchuk, R Wagner, D Umstadter
Physical review letters 80 (12), 2610, 1998
Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering
D Crolla
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Temporal characterization of a self-modulated laser wakefield
SP Le Blanc, MC Downer, R Wagner, SY Chen, A Maksimchuk, G Mourou, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 398 (1), 651-663, 1997
Emission characteristics of a diesel engine operating with in-cylinder gasoline and diesel fuel blending
VY Prikhodko, SJ Curran, TL Barone, SA Lewis, JM Storey, K Cho, ...
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 3 (2), 946-955, 2010
Piston bowl optimization for RCCI combustion in a light-duty multi-cylinder engine
R Hanson, S Curran, R Wagner, S Kokjohn, D Splitter, R Reitz
SAE International Journal of Engines 5 (2), 286-299, 2012
Simultaneous low engine-out NOx and particulate matter with highly diluted diesel combustion
RM Wagner, JB Green Jr, TQ Dam, KD Edwards, JM Storey
SAE transactions, 432-439, 2003
Investigation of knock limited compression ratio of ethanol gasoline blends
J Szybist, M Foster, WR Moore, K Confer, A Youngquist, R Wagner
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
Efficiency and emissions mapping of RCCI in a light-duty diesel engine
S Curran, R Hanson, R Wagner, RD Reitz
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion on a multi-cylinder light-duty diesel engine
SJ Curran, RM Hanson, RM Wagner
International Journal of Engine Research 13 (3), 216-225, 2012
Well-to-wheel analysis of direct and indirect use of natural gas in passenger vehicles
SJ Curran, RM Wagner, RL Graves, M Keller, JB Green Jr
Energy 75, 194-203, 2014
Effect of E85 on RCCI performance and emissions on a multi-cylinder light-duty diesel engine
S Curran, R Hanson, R Wagner
SAE technical paper, 2012
Understanding the transition between conventional spark-ignited combustion and HCCI in a gasoline engine
CS Daw, RM Wagner, KD Edwards, JB Green Jr
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2887-2894, 2007
Detailed dynamics of electron beams self-trapped and accelerated in a self-modulated laser wakefield
SY Chen, M Krishnan, A Maksimchuk, R Wagner, D Umstadter
Physics of Plasmas 6 (12), 4739-4749, 1999
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Articles 1–20