Stephen A Arnott
Stephen A Arnott
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Indirect fitness consequences of mate choice in sticklebacks: offspring of brighter males grow slowly but resist parasitic infections
I Barber, SA Arnott, VA Braithwaite, J Andrew, FA Huntingford
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 268 (1462 …, 2001
Reversal of evolutionary downsizing caused by selective harvest of large fish
DO Conover, SB Munch, SA Arnott
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1664), 2015-2020, 2009
Sandeel recruitment in the North Sea: demographic, climatic and trophic effects
SA Arnott, GD Ruxton
Marine Ecology Progress Series 238 (Ricker 1954), 199-210, 2002
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in edible fish species from Charleston Harbor and tributaries, South Carolina, United States: Exposure and risk assessment
PA Fair, B Wolf, ND White, SA Arnott, K Kannan, R Karthikraj, JE Vena
Environmental research 171, 266-277, 2019
Evolution of intrinsic growth rate: metabolic costs drive trade‐offs between growth and swimming performance in Menidia menidia
SA Arnott, S Chiba, DO Conover
Evolution 60 (6), 1269-1278, 2006
Darwinian fishery science: lessons from the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia)
DO Conover, SA Arnott, MR Walsh, SB Munch
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (4), 730-737, 2005
Parasite–associated growth enhancement in a fish–cestode system
SA Arnott, I Barber, FA Huntingford
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 267 (1444 …, 2000
Tail-Flip Mechanism and Size-Dependent Kinematics of Escape Swimming in the Brown Shrimp Crangon Crangon
SA Arnott, DM Neil, AD Ansell
Journal of experimental biology 201 (11), 1771-1784, 1998
Split-clutch IVF: a technique to examine indirect fitness consequences of mate preferences in sticklebacks
I Barber, SA Arnott
Behaviour, 137 7 (8), 1129-1140, 2000
Size heterogeneity can reduce aggression and promote growth in Atlantic salmon parr
C Adams, F Huntingford, J Turnbull, S Arnott, A Bell
Aquaculture International 8 (6), 543-549, 2000
Escape trajectories of the brown shrimp Crangon crangon, and a theoretical consideration of initial escape angles from predators
SA Arnott, DM Neil, AD Ansell
Journal of Experimental Biology 202 (2), 193-209, 1999
Carotenoid‐based sexual coloration and body condition in nesting male sticklebacks
I Barber, SA Arnott, VA Braithwaite, J Andrew, W Mullen, FA Huntingford
Journal of Fish Biology 57 (3), 777-790, 2000
Growth and energetics in the stickleback-Schistocephalus host-parasite system: a review of experimental infection studies
I Barber, HA Wright, SA Arnott, RJ Wootton
Behaviour 145 (4), 647-668, 2008
Persistent organic pollutants in fish from Charleston Harbor and tributaries, South Carolina, United States: A risk assessment
PA Fair, ND White, B Wolf, SA Arnott, K Kannan, R Karthikraj, JE Vena
Environmental Research 167, 598-613, 2018
Coevolution of foraging behavior with intrinsic growth rate: risk-taking in naturally and artificially selected growth genotypes of Menidia menidia
S Chiba, SA Arnott, DO Conover
Oecologia 157 (1), 183-183, 2008
Coevolution of foraging behavior with intrinsic growth rate: risk-taking in naturally and artificially selected growth genotypes of Menidia menidia
S Chiba, SA Arnott, DO Conover
Oecologia 154 (1), 237-246, 2007
Habitat use of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs by Nekton in South Carolina Estuaries
PR Kingsley-Smith, RE Joyce, SA Arnott, WA Roumillat, CJ McDonough, ...
Journal of Shellfish Research 31 (4), 1009-1021, 2012
Spatial and temporal variability in growth of southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma)
SR Midway, T Wagner, SA Arnott, P Biondo, F Martinez-Andrade, ...
Fisheries Research 167, 323-332, 2015
Invasive swimbladder parasite Anguillicoloides crassus: infection status 15 years after discovery in wild populations of American eel Anguilla rostrata
JL Hein, SA Arnott, WA Roumillat, DM Allen, I de Buron
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 107 (3), 199-209, 2014
Low-Temperature Tolerance of Juvenile Spotted Seatrout in South Carolina
KV Anweiler, SA Arnott, MR Denson
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143 (4), 2014
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Articles 1–20