Norita Ahmad
Cited by
Cited by
Social media adoption and its impact on firm performance: the case of the UAE
SZ Ahmad, AR Abu Bakar, N Ahmad
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 25 (1), 84-111, 2019
Reflections of entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises concerning the adoption of social media and its impact on performance outcomes: Evidence from the UAE
SZ Ahmad, N Ahmad, ARA Bakar
Telematics and Informatics 35 (1), 6-17, 2018
Determinants of writing positive and negative electronic word-of-mouth: Empirical evidence for two types of expectation confirmation
K Nam, J Baker, N Ahmad, J Goo
Decision Support Systems 129, 113168, 2020
An evaluation of teaching methods of entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism programs
SZ Ahmad, ARA Bakar, N Ahmad
The International Journal of Management Education 16 (1), 14-25, 2018
Dissatisfaction, disconfirmation, and distrust: An empirical examination of value co-destruction through negative electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)
K Nam, J Baker, N Ahmad, J Goo
Information Systems Frontiers 22, 113-130, 2020
Knowledge sharing through inter‐organizational knowledge networks: Challenges and opportunities in the United Arab Emirates
N Ahmad, A Daghfous
European business review 22 (2), 153-174, 2010
Yield potential and stability of nine wheat varieties under water stress conditions
R Ahmad, S Qadir, N Ahmad, KH Shah
Int. J. Agric. Biol 5 (1), 7-9, 2003
Technology adoption model and a road map to successful implementation of ITIL
N Ahmad, N Tarek Amer, F Qutaifan, A Alhilali
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 26 (5), 553-576, 2013
Lessons learned during a decade of ERP experience: A case study
K Wenrich, N Ahmad
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) 5 (1), 55-73, 2009
Measuring service quality and customer satisfaction of the small-and medium-sized hotels (SMSHs) industry: lessons from United Arab Emirates (UAE)
SZ Ahmad, N Ahmad, A Papastathopoulos
Tourism Review 74 (3), 349-370, 2019
Systematic approach to successful implementation of ITIL
N Ahmad, ZM Shamsudin
Procedia computer science 17, 237-244, 2013
Software project management tools: making a practical decision using AHP
N Ahmad, PA Laplante
2006 30th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, 76-84, 2006
Application of TOPSIS method for decision making
RM Zulqarnain, M Saeed, N Ahmad, F Dayan, B Ahmad
Int. J. Sci. Res. in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 7 (2), 2020
The integration of analytical hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis in a multi-criteria decision-making problem
N Ahmad, D Berg, GR Simons
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 5 (02 …, 2006
Generative artificial intelligence and the education sector
N Ahmad, S Murugesan, N Kshetri
Computer 56 (6), 72-76, 2023
Examination of students’ selection criteria for international education
SZ Ahmad, FR Buchanan, N Ahmad
International Journal of Educational Management 30 (6), 1088-1103, 2016
Understanding user sensemaking in fairness and transparency in algorithms: algorithmic sensemaking in over-the-top platform
D Shin, JS Lim, N Ahmad, M Ibahrine
Ai & Society 39 (2), 477-490, 2024
SME social media use: A study of predictive factors in the United Arab Emirates
AR Abu Bakar, SZ Ahmad, N Ahmad
Global Business and Organizational Excellence 38 (5), 53-68, 2019
Using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to construct a measure of the magnitude of consequences component of moral intensity
EW Stein, N Ahmad
Journal of business ethics 89, 391-407, 2009
The impact of flow experience and personality type on the intention to use virtual world
N Ahmad, H Abdulkarim
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (12), 1074-1085, 2019
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Articles 1–20