Jeff Smithers
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Cited by
Review of methods used to estimate catchment response time for the purpose of peak discharge estimation
OJ Gericke, JC Smithers
Hydrological sciences journal 59 (11), 1935-1971, 2014
Regional flood frequency analysis in the KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa, using the index-flood method.
RE Kjeldsen, TR, Smithers, JC and Schulze
Journal of Hydrology 255 (1-4), 194-211, 0
A methodology for the estimation of short duration design storms in South Africa using a regional approach based on L-moments
JC Smithers, RE Schulze
Journal of Hydrology 241 (1-2), 42-52, 2001
Review of sugarcane trash recovery systems for energy cogeneration in South Africa
J Smithers
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32, 915-925, 2014
Flood routing in ungauged catchments using Muskingum methods
JC Tewolde, MH and Smithers
Water SA 32 (3), 379-388, 2006
ACRU agrohydrological modelling system: user manual version 3.00
J Smithers
Water Research Commission, 1995
Impact of agricultural practices on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for South African sugarcane production
SW Pryor, J Smithers, P Lyne, R van Antwerpen
Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 137-145, 2017
Review of methods for design flood estimation in South Africa
JC Smithers
Water SA 38 (4), 633-646, 2012
A hydrological perspective of the February 2000 floods: A case study in the Sabie River catchment
JC Smithers, RE Schulze, A Pike, GPW Jewitt
Water Sa 27 (3), 325-332, 2001
SCS-SA User Manual. PC-Based SCS Design Flood Estimates for Small Catchments in Southern Africa
RE Schulze, EJ Schmidt, JC Smithers
University of Natal, 1992
Design rainfall and flood estimation in South Africa
JC Smithers, RE Schulze
Water Research Commission, 2003
Development and evaluation of techniques for estimating short duration design rainfall in South Africa.
JC Smithers
Design rainfall estimation in South Africa using Bartlett–Lewis rectangular pulse rainfall models
JC Smithers, GGS Pegram, RE Schulze
Journal of Hydrology 258 (1-4), 83-99, 2002
Long duration design rainfall estimates for South Africa
JC Smithers, RE Schulze
Water Research Commission 811 (1), 00, 2000
The ACRU agrohydrological modelling system as of 2002: Background, concepts, structure, output, typical applications and operations
RE Schulze, JC Smithers
Modelling as a Tool in Integrated Water Resources Management: Conceptual …, 2004
Design flood estimation using a modelling approach: A case study using the ACRU model
J Smithers, R Schulze, S Kienzle
IAHS Publication 240, 365-376, 1997
Continuous simulation modelling for design flood estimation in South Africa: Preliminary investigations in the Thukela catchment
K Chetty, J Smithers
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 30 (11-16), 634-638, 2005
Biofuel crop sustainability paradigm
BP Singh
Biofuel crop sustainability, 3-29, 2013
ACRU: Concepts and structure
RE Schulze, GR Angus, SD Lynch, JC Smithers
Hydrology and agrohydrology: a text to accompany the ACRU 3, 1-26, 1995
The estimation of design rainfalls for South Africa using a regional scale invariant approach.
RE Smithers, JC and Schulze
Water SA 30 (4), 435-444, 2004
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Articles 1–20