Farai Nyabadza
Farai Nyabadza
Professor of Biomathematics, University of Johannesburg
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Quantifying early COVID-19 outbreak transmission in South Africa and exploring vaccine efficacy scenarios
GM Zindoga Mukandavire, Farai Nyabadza, Noble J Malunguza, Diego F Cuadros ...
Plos One, 2020
Modelling the dynamics of crystal meth (‘tik’) abuse in the presence of drug-supply chains in South Africa
F Nyabadza, JBH Njagarah, RJ Smith
Bulletin of mathematical biology 75, 24-48, 2013
From heroin epidemics to methamphetamine epidemics: Modelling substance abuse in a South African province
F Nyabadza, SD Hove-Musekwa
Mathematical biosciences 225 (2), 132-140, 2010
Modelling and analysis of the effects of malnutrition in the spread of cholera
SD Hove-Musekwa, F Nyabadza, C Chiyaka, P Das, A Tripathi, ...
Mathematical and computer modelling 53 (9-10), 1583-1595, 2011
Modelling the HIV/AIDS epidemic trends in South Africa: Insights from a simple mathematical model
F Nyabadza, Z Mukandavire, SD Hove-Musekwa
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (4), 2091-2104, 2011
Modelling the potential impact of social distancing on the COVID‐19 epidemic in South Africa
F Nyabadza, F Chirove, CW Chukwu, MV Visaya
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2020 (1), 5379278, 2020
Mathematical modelling of bacterial meningitis transmission dynamics with control measures
JKK Asamoah, F Nyabadza, B Seidu, M Chand, H Dutta
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2018 (1), 2657461, 2018
The dynamics of an HIV/AIDS model with screened disease carriers
SD Hove-Musekwa, F Nyabadza
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 10 (4), 287-305, 2009
Analysis of an HIV/AIDS model with public-health information campaigns and individual withdrawal
F Nyabadza, C Chiyaka, Z Mukandavire, SD Hove-Musekwa
Journal of Biological Systems 18 (02), 357-375, 2010
Backward bifurcation and sensitivity analysis for bacterial meningitis transmission dynamics with a nonlinear recovery rate
TH Joshua Kiddy K. Asamoah, Farai Nyabadza, Zhen Jina, Ebenezer Bonyah ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 140 (2020), 110237, 2020
Modelling HIV/AIDS in the presence of an HIV testing and screening campaign
F Nyabadza, Z Mukandavire
Journal of theoretical biology 280 (1), 167-179, 2011
Modeling the role of public health education in Ebola virus disease outbreaks in Sudan
B Levy, C Edholm, O Gaoue, R Kaondera-Shava, M Kgosimore, S Lenhart, ...
Infectious Disease Modelling 2 (3), 323-340, 2017
Global analysis of an HIV/AIDS epidemic model
Z Mukandavire, P Das, C Chiyaka, F Nyabadza
World journal of modelling and simulation 6 (3), 231-240, 2010
A theoretical model for substance abuse in the presence of treatment
AS Kalula, F Nyabadza
South African Journal of Science 108 (3), 1-12, 2012
A mathematical model for combating HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: will multiple strategies work?
F Nyabadza
Journal of Biological Systems 14 (03), 357-372, 2006
Modeling the impact of rehabilitation, amelioration and relapse on the prevalence of drug epidemics
HJB Njagarah, F Nyabadza
Journal of Biological Systems 21 (01), 1350001, 2013
Modelling and analysis of the intrinsic dynamics of cholera
Z Mukandavire, A Tripathi, C Chiyaka, G Musuka, F Nyabadza, ...
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 19, 253-265, 2011
Assessing the potential impact of limited public health resources on the spread and control of typhoid
J Mushanyu, F Nyabadza, G Muchatibaya, P Mafuta, G Nhawu
Journal of mathematical biology 77, 647-670, 2018
Modelling the trends of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation for methamphetamine in the Western Cape province of South Africa
J Mushanyu, F Nyabadza, AGR Stewart
BMC research notes 8, 1-13, 2015
A metapopulation model for cholera transmission dynamics between communities linked by migration
JBH Njagarah, F Nyabadza
Applied Mathematics and Computation 241, 317-331, 2014
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Articles 1–20