Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh
Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh
Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan
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Cited by
Evolution of the world wide web: From WEB 1.0 TO WEB 4.0
S Aghaei, MA Nematbakhsh, HK Farsani
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology 3 (1), 1-10, 2012
Medical support system
H Seto, E Nishihara, Y Fukushima, MA Nematbakhsh
US Patent 6,157,914, 2000
Agent-based modeling of consumer decision making process based on power distance and personality
O Roozmand, N Ghasem-Aghaee, GJ Hofstede, MA Nematbakhsh, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 24 (7), 1075-1095, 2011
Enhancing memory-based collaborative filtering for group recommender systems
S Ghazarian, MA Nematbakhsh
Expert systems with applications 42 (7), 3801-3812, 2015
Identification of multi-spreader users in social networks for viral marketing
A Sheikhahmadi, MA Nematbakhsh
Journal of Information Science 43 (3), 412-423, 2017
Improving detection of influential nodes in complex networks
A Sheikhahmadi, MA Nematbakhsh, A Shokrollahi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 436, 833-845, 2015
Context-aware multi-objective resource allocation in mobile cloud
S Ghasemi-Falavarjani, M Nematbakhsh, BS Ghahfarokhi
Computers & Electrical Engineering 44, 218-240, 2015
Interference-aware multipath routing protocol for QoS improvement in event-driven wireless sensor networks
M Radi, B Dezfouli, KA Bakar, S Abd Razak, MA Nematbakhsh
Tsinghua Science and Technology 16 (5), 475-490, 2011
Fuzzy emotional COCOMO II software cost estimation (FECSCE) using multi-agent systems
M Kazemifard, A Zaeri, N Ghasem-Aghaee, MA Nematbakhsh, ...
Applied Soft Computing 11 (2), 2260-2270, 2011
Identification of influential users by neighbors in online social networks
A Sheikhahmadi, MA Nematbakhsh, A Zareie
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 486, 517-534, 2017
A survey on security issues in big data and nosql
E Sahafizadeh, MA Nematbakhsh
Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal 4 (4), 68-72, 2015
Method for managing clustered medical data and medical data filing system in clustered form
MA Nematbakhsh, S Tsubura
US Patent 5,572,422, 1996
A multidimensional approach for context-aware recommendation in mobile commerce
M Hosseini-Pozveh, M Nematbakhsh, N Movahhedinia
arXiv preprint arXiv:0908.0982, 2009
A reference ontology for profiling scholar’s background knowledge in recommender systems
B Amini, R Ibrahim, MS Othman, MA Nematbakhsh
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (2), 913-928, 2015
Method for managing clustered medical data and medical data filing system in clustered form
MA Nematbakhsh, S Tsubura
US Patent 5,781,890, 1998
A heuristic personality-based bilateral multi-issue bargaining model in electronic commerce
F Nassiri-Mofakham, MA Nematbakhsh, N Ghasem-Aghaee, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 67 (1), 1-35, 2009
Persianquad: the native question answering dataset for the Persian language
A Kazemi, J Mozafari, MA Nematbakhsh
IEEE Access 10, 26045-26057, 2022
Prototype totally digital radiology department: Conception and initiation
WJ Dallas, TW Ovitt, MP Capp, H Roehrig, GW Seeley, R Martinez, ...
Medical Imaging 767, 700, 1987
Data-driven construction of SPARQL queries by approximate question graph alignment in question answering over knowledge graphs
M Bakhshi, M Nematbakhsh, M Mohsenzadeh, AM Rahmani
Expert Systems with Applications 146, 113205, 2020
Bidding strategy for agents in multi-attribute combinatorial double auction
F Nassiri-Mofakham, MA Nematbakhsh, A Baraani-Dastjerdi, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (6), 3268-3295, 2015
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Articles 1–20