Christophe Berthod
Christophe Berthod
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Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors
Ø Fischer, M Kugler, I Maggio-Aprile, C Berthod, C Renner
Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (1), 353-419, 2007
High-Resolution Photoemission on Reveals Correlation-Enhanced Effective Spin-Orbit Coupling and Dominantly Local Self-Energies
A Tamai, M Zingl, E Rozbicki, E Cappelli, S Riccò, A De La Torre, ...
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021048, 2019
Collapse of the Mott Gap and Emergence of a Nodal Liquid in Lightly Doped
A De La Torre, S Mckeown Walker, FY Bruno, S Riccó, Z Wang, ...
Physical review letters 115 (17), 176402, 2015
Spectroscopic evidence for Fermi liquid-like energy and temperature dependence of the relaxation rate in the pseudogap phase of the cuprates
SI Mirzaei, D Stricker, JN Hancock, C Berthod, A Georges, E Van Heumen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 5774-5778, 2013
Optical Response of Reveals Universal Fermi-Liquid Scaling and Quasiparticles Beyond Landau Theory
D Stricker, J Mravlje, C Berthod, R Fittipaldi, A Vecchione, A Georges, ...
Physical review letters 113 (8), 087404, 2014
Modeling scanning tunneling spectra of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ
BW Hoogenboom, C Berthod, M Peter, Ø Fischer, AA Kordyuk
Physical Review B 67 (22), 224502, 2003
Large modulation of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations by the Rashba interaction at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
A Fête, S Gariglio, C Berthod, D Li, D Stornaiuolo, M Gabay, JM Triscone
New Journal of Physics 16 (11), 112002, 2014
Breakup of the Fermi surface near the Mott transition in low-dimensional systems
C Berthod, T Giamarchi, S Biermann, A Georges
Physical review letters 97 (13), 136401, 2006
Non-Drude universal scaling laws for the optical response of local Fermi liquids
C Berthod, J Mravlje, X Deng, R Žitko, D Van Der Marel, A Georges
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (11), 115109, 2013
Two-dimensional Fermi liquid with attractive interactions
B Fröhlich, M Feld, E Vogt, M Koschorreck, M Köhl, C Berthod, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (13), 130403, 2012
Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers
G Perrin, J Woillez, O Lai, J Guérin, T Kotani, PL Wizinowich, DL Mignant, ...
Science 311 (5758), 194-194, 2006
First direct observation of the Van Hove singularity in the tunnelling spectra of cuprates
A Piriou, N Jenkins, C Berthod, I Maggio-Aprile, Ø Fischer
Nature communications 2 (1), 221, 2011
Schottky barrier heights at polar metal/semiconductor interfaces
C Berthod, N Binggeli, A Baldereschi
Physical Review B 68 (8), 085323, 2003
Imaging the Essential Role of Spin Fluctuations in High- Superconductivity
N Jenkins, Y Fasano, C Berthod, I Maggio-Aprile, A Piriou, E Giannini, ...
Physical review letters 103 (22), 227001, 2009
Preeminent role of the van Hove singularity in the strong-coupling analysis of scanning tunneling spectroscopy for two-dimensional cuprate superconductors
G Levy de Castro, C Berthod, A Piriou, E Giannini, Ø Fischer
Physical review letters 101 (26), 267004, 2008
Reconciling scaling of the optical conductivity of cuprate superconductors with Planckian resistivity and specific heat
B Michon, C Berthod, CW Rischau, A Ataei, L Chen, S Komiya, S Ono, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3033, 2023
Multiband Superconductivity in the Chevrel Phases and
AP Petrović, R Lortz, G Santi, C Berthod, C Dubois, M Decroux, A Demuer, ...
Physical review letters 106 (1), 017003, 2011
Band filling and cross quantum capacitance in ion-gated semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
H Zhang, C Berthod, H Berger, T Giamarchi, AF Morpurgo
Nano letters 19 (12), 8836-8845, 2019
Observation of Caroli–de Gennes–Matricon Vortex States in
C Berthod, I Maggio-Aprile, J Bruér, A Erb, C Renner
Physical review letters 119 (23), 237001, 2017
Tunneling conductance and local density of states in tight-binding junctions
C Berthod, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (15), 155414, 2011
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Articles 1–20