Alexander Felfernig
Alexander Felfernig
Professor of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology, Austria
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Recommender Systems: An Introduction
D Jannach, M Zanker, A Felfernig, G Friedrich
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Constraint-based recommender systems: technologies and research issues
A Felfernig, R Burke
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Electronic commerce, 1-10, 2008
Recommender systems: An overview
R Burke, A Felfernig, MH Göker
Ai Magazine 32 (3), 13-18, 2011
Consistency-based diagnosis of configuration knowledge bases
A Felfernig, G Friedrich, D Jannach, M Stumptner
Artificial Intelligence 152 (2), 213-234, 2004
Knowledge-based configuration: From research to business cases
A Felfernig, L Hotz, C Bagley, J Tiihonen
Newnes, 2014
Recommender systems in the healthcare domain: state-of-the-art and research issues
TNT Tran, A Felfernig, C Trattner, A Holzinger
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 57 (1), 171-201, 2021
An integrated environment for the development of knowledge-based recommender applications
A Felfernig, G Friedrich, D Jannach, M Zanker
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 11 (2), 11-34, 2006
UML as domain specific language for the construction of knowledge-based configuration systems
A Felfernig, GE Friedrich, D Jannach
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 10 …, 2000
Conceptual modeling for configuration of mass-customizable products
A Felfernig, G Friedrich, D Jannach
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 15 (2), 165-176, 2001
An efficient diagnosis algorithm for inconsistent constraint sets
A Felfernig, M Schubert, C Zehentner
AI EDAM 26 (1), 53-62, 2012
An overview of recommender systems in the healthy food domain
TN Trang Tran, M Atas, A Felfernig, M Stettinger
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 50, 501-526, 2018
Group recommender systems: An introduction
A Felfernig, L Boratto, M Stettinger, M Tkalčič
Springer, 2024
A framework for the development of personalized, distributed web-based configuration systems
L Ardissono, A Felfernig, G Friedrich, A Goy, D Jannach, G Petrone, ...
Ai Magazine 24 (3), 93-93, 2003
Recommender systems for health informatics: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
A Calero Valdez, M Ziefle, K Verbert, A Felfernig, A Holzinger
Machine Learning for Health Informatics: State-of-the-Art and Future …, 2016
Human decision making and recommender systems
L Chen, M De Gemmis, A Felfernig, P Lops, F Ricci, G Semeraro
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 3 (3), 1-7, 2013
Developing constraint-based recommenders
A Felfernig, G Friedrich, D Jannach, M Zanker
Recommender systems handbook, 187-215, 2011
The VITA financial services sales support environment
A Felfernig, K Isak, K Szabo, P Zachar
Proceedings of the national conference on artificial intelligence 22 (2), 1692, 2007
Guest editors' introduction: Recommender systems
A Felfernig, G Friedrich, L Schmidt-Thieme
IEEE Intelligent systems 22 (3), 18-21, 2007
Human decision making and recommender systems
A Jameson, MC Willemsen, A Felfernig, M De Gemmis, P Lops, ...
Recommender systems handbook, 611-648, 2015
Basic approaches in recommendation systems
A Felfernig, M Jeran, G Ninaus, F Reinfrank, S Reiterer, M Stettinger
Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering, 15-37, 2014
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Articles 1–20