César Méndez
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Cited by
Reconstructing the deep population history of Central and South America
C Posth, N Nakatsuka, I Lazaridis, P Skoglund, S Mallick, TC Lamnidis, ...
Cell 175 (5), 1185-1197. e22, 2018
Initial occupation of the Pacific coast of Chile during Late Pleistocene times
D Jackson, C Méndez, R Seguel, A Maldonado, G Vargas
Current Anthropology 48 (5), 725-731, 2007
Postglacial vegetation, fire and climate dynamics at Central Chilean Patagonia (Lake Shaman, 44 S)
ME de Porras, A Maldonado, AM Abarzúa, ML Cárdenas, JP Francois, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 50, 71-85, 2012
Ocupaciones humanas en la margen occidental de Patagonia Central: eventos de poblamiento en alto río Cisnes
C Méndez, O Reyes, A NUEVO DELAUNAY, V Trejo, R Barberena, ...
Magallania (Punta Arenas) 39 (2), 223-242, 2011
Terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene ¹⁴C dates form archaeological sites in Chile: Critical chronological issues for the initial peopling of the region
C Méndez Melgar
Quaternary International, 2013
Environmental and climatic changes in central Chilean Patagonia since the late glacial (Mallín El Embudo, 44 S)
ME de Porras, A Maldonado, FA Quintana, A Martel-Cea, O Reyes, ...
Climate of the Past 10 (3), 1063-1078, 2014
Mid Holocene radiocarbon ages in the Subtropical Andes (∼ 29°–35° S), climatic change and implications for human space organization
C Méndez, A Gil, G Neme, AN Delaunay, V Cortegoso, C Huidobro, ...
Quaternary International 356, 15-26, 2015
Zooming out from archaeological discontinuities: The meaning of mid-Holocene temporal troughs in South American deserts
R Barberena, C Méndez, ME de Porras
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 46, 68-81, 2017
Isotopic Ecology and Human Diets in the Forest–Steppe Ecotone, Aisén Region, Central‐Western Patagonia, Chile
C Méndez, R Barberena, O Reyes, A Nuevo Delaunay
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 24 (2), 187-201, 2014
Early Holocene climate change and human occupation along the semiarid coast of north‐central Chile
A Maldonado, C Méndez, P Ugalde, D Jackson, R Seguel, C Latorre
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (6), 985-988, 2010
Directly modelling population dynamics in the South American Arid Diagonal using 14C dates
A Timpson, R Barberena, MG Thomas, C Méndez, K Manning
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1816), 20190723, 2021
Major hydrological regime change along the semiarid western coast of South America during the early Holocene
C Ortega, G Vargas, JA Rutllant, D Jackson, C Méndez
Quaternary Research 78 (3), 513-527, 2012
Late Holocene human occupation of the Patagonian forests: a case study in the Cisnes river basin.
M Méndez, A César, B Reyes, R Omar
Antiquity 82 (317), 2008
Endangered species, archaeology, and stable isotopes: Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) isotopic ecology in Central-Western Patagonia (South America)
R Barberena, C Méndez, F Mena, O Reyes
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (9), 2313-2323, 2011
Poblamiento Paleoindio en el norte-centro de Chile: Evidencias, problemas y perspectivas de estudio
D Jackson, C Méndez, P De Souza
Complutum 15, 165-176, 2004
Uso del espacio de cazadores recolectores y paleoambiente Holoceno en el valle del río Cisnes, región de Aisén, Chile
O Reyes, C Méndez, A Maldonado, H VELáSqUEZ, V Trejo, M Cárdenas, ...
Magallania (Punta Arenas) 37 (2), 91-107, 2009
Human remains directly dated to the Pleistocene-Holocene transition support a marine diet for early settlers of the Pacific Coast of Chile
D Jackson, C Méndez, E Aspillaga
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 7 (3), 363-377, 2012
The bioanthropological evidence of a ca. 10,000 CALYBP ten-individual group in central Patagonia
O Reyes, C Méndez, F Mena, M Moraga
Southbound: Late Pleistocene Peopling of Latin America, 167-171, 2012
Early deglaciation and paleolake history of Río Cisnes glacier, Patagonian ice sheet (44 S)
JL García, A Maldonado, ME De Porras, AN Delaunay, O Reyes, ...
Quaternary Research 91 (1), 194-217, 2019
Human effects in Holocene fire dynamics of central western Patagonia (~ 44 S, Chile)
C Méndez, ME de Porras, A Maldonado, O Reyes, A Nuevo Delaunay, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 100, 2016
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Articles 1–20