Nata Duvvury
Nata Duvvury
Senior Lecturer, Director of Centre for Global Women's Studies, School of Political Science and
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Cited by
Impact of stepping stones on incidence of HIV and HSV-2 and sexual behaviour in rural South Africa: cluster randomised controlled trial
R Jewkes, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, K Dunkle, A Puren, N Duvvury
Bmj 337, 2008
Perpetration of partner violence and HIV risk behaviour among young men in the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa
KL Dunkle, RK Jewkes, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, N Khuzwayo, ...
Aids 20 (16), 2107-2114, 2006
Factors associated with HIV sero-status in young rural South African women: connections between intimate partner violence and HIV
R Jewkes, K Dunkle, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, N Khuzwayo, M Koss, ...
International journal of epidemiology 35 (6), 1461-1468, 2006
A cluster randomized‐controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of Stepping Stones in preventing HIV infections and promoting safer sexual behaviour amongst youth in the …
R Jewkes, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, K Dunkle, N Khuzwayo, M Koss, ...
Tropical medicine & international health 11 (1), 3-16, 2006
Physical spousal violence against women in India: some risk factors
L Jeyaseelan, S Kumar, N Neelakantan, A Peedicayil, R Pillai, N Duvvury
Journal of biosocial science 39 (5), 657-670, 2007
Intimate partner violence: Economic costs and implications for growth and development
N Duvvury, A Callan, P Carney, S Raghavendra
World Bank, 2013
Gender equity and peacebuilding: from rhetoric to reality; finding the way, a discussion paper
R Strickland, N Duvvury
International Center for Research on Women, Washington, DC, US, 2003
‘I woke up after I joined Stepping Stones’: meanings of an HIV behavioural intervention in rural South African young people's lives
R Jewkes, K Wood, N Duvvury
Health education research 25 (6), 1074-1084, 2010
Factors associated with HIV sero-positivity in young, rural South African men
R Jewkes, K Dunkle, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, N Khuzwayo, M Koss, ...
International journal of epidemiology 35 (6), 1455-1460, 2006
Women in agriculture: a review of the Indian literature
N Duvvury
Economic and Political Weekly, WS96-WS112, 1989
Estimating the Costs of Domestic Violence against Women in Vietnam
N Duvvvury, P Minh, N. and Carney
UN Women Hanoi, 2012
Evaluation of Stepping Stones: a gender transformative HIV prevention intervention
R Jewkes, M Nduna, J Levin, N Jama, K Dunkle, K Wood, M Koss, ...
Pretoria: Medical Research Council, 2007
Understanding and challenging HIV stigma: toolkit for action
R Kidd, S Clay, C Chiiya
Trainers Guide. The Change Project and ICRW, 2003
Costs of intimate partner violence at the household and community levels: An operational framework for developing countries
N Duvvury, C Grown, J Redner
Washington, DC: ICRW, 2004
Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy and Portugal in comparative perspective
T Addabbo, A Bastos, SF Casaca, N Duvvury, Á Ní Léime
International Labour Review 154 (4), 449-473, 2015
Work participation of women in India: A study with special reference to female agricultural labourers, 1961 to 1981
N Duvvury
Limited options: Women workers in rural India, 63-107, 1989
The macroeconomic loss due to violence against women: The case of Vietnam
S Raghavendra, N Duvvury, S Ashe
Feminist Economics 23 (4), 62-89, 2017
Sexual violence, masculinity, and the journey of recovery.
C Forde, N Duvvury
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 18 (4), 301, 2017
Links between masculinity and violence: aggregate analysis
N Duvvury, MB Nayak, K Allendorf
Domestic violence in India: exploring strategies, promoting dialogue. Men …, 2002
Justice, change, and human rights: international research and responses to domestic violence
B Burton, N Duvvury, N Varia
International Center for Research on Women, 2000
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Articles 1–20