Uğur Murat Erdem
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Cited by
Automated camera layout to satisfy task-specific and floor plan-specific coverage requirements
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103 (3), 156-169, 2006
A goal‐directed spatial navigation model using forward trajectory planning based on grid cells
UM Erdem, M Hasselmo
European Journal of Neuroscience 35 (6), 916-931, 2012
Hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex combine path integration signals for successful navigation
KR Sherrill, UM Erdem, RS Ross, TI Brown, ME Hasselmo, CE Stern
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (49), 19304-19313, 2013
Optimal placement of cameras in floorplans to satisfy task requirements and cost constraints
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Omnivis2004, The fifth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks …, 2004
A biologically inspired hierarchical goal directed navigation model
UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo
Journal of Physiology-Paris 108 (1), 28-37, 2014
Functional connections between optic flow areas and navigationally responsive brain regions during goal-directed navigation
KR Sherrill, ER Chrastil, RS Ross, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo, CE Stern
Neuroimage 118, 386-396, 2015
Automatic detection of relevant head gestures in American Sign Language communication
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 460-463, 2002
A hierarchical model of goal directed navigation selects trajectories in a visual environment
UM Erdem, MJ Milford, ME Hasselmo
Neurobiology of learning and memory 117, 109-121, 2015
Look there! predicting where to look for motion in an active camera network
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005., 105-110, 2005
Automated placement of cameras in a floorplan to satisfy task-specific constraints
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Boston University, Boston December 2003, 2003
Multi-scale bio-inspired place recognition
Z Chen, A Jacobson, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo, M Milford
2014 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 1895-1901, 2014
Automatic pan-tilt-zoom calibration in the presence of hybrid sensor networks
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
Proceedings of the third ACM international workshop on Video surveillance …, 2005
Context aware surveillance system using a hybrid sensor network
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
US Patent 7,619,647, 2009
Event prediction in a hybrid camera network
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (2), 1-27, 2012
Modeling of grid cell activity demonstrates in vivo entorhinal ‘look-ahead’properties
K Gupta, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo
Neuroscience 247, 395-411, 2013
Functional calibration for pan-tilt-zoom cameras in hybrid sensor networks
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
Multimedia Systems 12 (3), 255-268, 2006
Towards bio-inspired place recognition over multiple spatial scales
Z Chen, A Jacobson, U Erdem, ME Hasselmo, M Milford
Australasian conference on robotics and automation, 2013
2D object recognition using implicit polynomials and algebraic invariants
UM Erdem, H Civi, A Ercil
MELECON'98. 9th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Proceedings (Cat …, 1998
Spatial and episodic memory
UM Erdem, N Roy, JJ Leonard, ME Hasselmo
Living machines: A handbook of research in biomimetics and biohybrid systems, 2018
Optimal placement and event prediction in a hybrid camera network with minimum knowledge
UM Erdem
Boston University, 2008
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Articles 1–20