Tzuen-Rong Jeremy Tzeng
Tzuen-Rong Jeremy Tzeng
Professor, Biological Sciences, Clemson University
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Microfluidic separation of live and dead yeast cells using reservoir-based dielectrophoresis
S Patel, D Showers, P Vedantam, TR Tzeng, S Qian, X Xuan
Biomicrofluidics 6 (3), 2012
Magnetic separation of particles and cells in ferrofluid flow through a straight microchannel using two offset magnets
J Zeng, Y Deng, P Vedantam, TR Tzeng, X Xuan
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 346, 118-123, 2013
Distinguishing the viability of a single yeast cell with an ultra-sensitive radio frequency sensor
Y Yang, H Zhang, J Zhu, G Wang, TR Tzeng, X Xuan, K Huang, P Wang
Lab on a Chip 10 (5), 553-555, 2010
Single-walled carbon nanotubes displaying multivalent ligands for capturing pathogens
L Gu, T Elkin, X Jiang, H Li, Y Lin, L Qu, TRJ Tzeng, R Joseph, YP Sun
Chemical Communications, 874-876, 2005
DC dielectrophoretic focusing of particles in a serpentine microchannel
J Zhu, TRJ Tzeng, G Hu, X Xuan
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 7, 751-756, 2009
Continuous dielectrophoretic separation of particles in a spiral microchannel
J Zhu, TRJ Tzeng, X Xuan
Electrophoresis 31 (8), 1382-1388, 2010
Electrokinetic focusing and filtration of cells in a serpentine microchannel
C Church, J Zhu, G Wang, TRJ Tzeng, X Xuan
Biomicrofluidics 3 (4), 2009
Continuous-flow particle and cell separations in a serpentine microchannel via curvature-induced dielectrophoresis
J Zhu, RC Canter, G Keten, P Vedantam, TRJ Tzeng, X Xuan
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 11, 743-752, 2011
Effect of laser fluence in laser‐assisted direct writing of human colon cancer cell
Y Lin, G Huang, Y Huang, TR Jeremy Tzeng, D Chrisey
Rapid Prototyping Journal 16 (3), 202-208, 2010
Development of luminescent pH sensor films for monitoring bacterial growth through tissue
F Wang, Y Raval, H Chen, TRJ Tzeng, JD DesJardins, JN Anker
Advanced healthcare materials 3 (2), 197-204, 2014
Identification of four structural genes and two putative promoters necessary for utilization of phenanthrene naphthalene, fluoranthene, and by Sphingomonas paucimobilis var …
SP Story, SH Parker, JD Kline, TRJ Tzeng, JG Mueller, EL Kline
Gene 260 (1-2), 155-169, 2000
Three-dimensional magnetic focusing of particles and cells in ferrofluid flow through a straight microchannel
J Zeng, C Chen, P Vedantam, V Brown, TRJ Tzeng, X Xuan
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22 (10), 105018, 2012
Magnetic concentration of particles and cells in ferrofluid flow through a straight microchannel using attracting magnets
J Zeng, C Chen, P Vedantam, TR Tzeng, X Xuan
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 15, 49-55, 2013
Visualizing adhesion-induced agglutination of Escherichia coli with mannosylated nanoparticles
L Qu, PG Luo, S Taylor, Y Lin, W Huang, N Anyadike, TRJ Tzeng, ...
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 5 (2), 319-322, 2005
Integrated electrical concentration and lysis of cells in a microfluidic chip
C Church, J Zhu, G Huang, TR Tzeng, X Xuan
Biomicrofluidics 4 (4), 2010
Cytochrome P450 1 enzyme inhibition and anticancer potential of chromene amides from Amyris plumieri
S Badal, SA Williams, G Huang, S Francis, P Vendantam, O Dunbar, ...
Fitoterapia 82 (2), 230-236, 2011
The antibacterial effects of biphasic brookite-anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles on multiple-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
RR Shah, S Kaewgun, BI Lee, TRJ Tzeng
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 4 (3), 339-348, 2008
Electrokinetic preconcentration of particles and cells in microfluidic reservoirs
H Harrison, X Lu, S Patel, C Thomas, A Todd, M Johnson, Y Raval, ...
Analyst 140 (8), 2869-2875, 2015
Multianchored Glycoconjugate‐Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Tool for Selective Killing of Targeted Bacteria via Alternating Magnetic Fields
YS Raval, BD Fellows, J Murbach, Y Cordeau, OT Mefford, TRJ Tzeng
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (26), 1701473, 2017
Exploiting Magnetic Asymmetry to Concentrate Diamagnetic Particles in Ferrofluid Microflows
JJ Wilbanks, G Kiessling, J Zeng, C Zhang, TR Tzeng, X Xuan
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (4), 044907-044907-7, 2014
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Articles 1–20