Mehrez Boulares
Mehrez Boulares
The Higher National Engineering School of Tunis (ENSIT)
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Cited by
Mobile sign language translation system for deaf community
M Boulares, M Jemni
Proceedings of the international cross-disciplinary conference on web …, 2012
Path planning for energy management of smart maritime electric vehicles: A blockchain-based solution
A Barnawi, S Aggarwal, N Kumar, DM Alghazzawi, B Alzahrani, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (2), 2282-2295, 2021
Cardiovascular disease recognition based on heartbeat segmentation and selection process
M Boulares, R Alotaibi, A AlMansour, A Barnawi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (20), 10952, 2021
Transfer learning benchmark for cardiovascular disease recognition
M Boulares, T Alafif, A Barnawi
IEEE Access 8, 109475-109491, 2020
Sign Language MMS to Make Cell Phones Accessible to the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Community.
M Jemni, O El Ghoul, NB Yahia, M Boulares
CVHI, 2007
3D motion trajectory analysis approach to improve Sign Language 3D-based content recognition
M Boulares, M Jemni
Procedia Computer Science 13, 133-143, 2012
A novel UAV path planning algorithm to search for floating objects on the ocean surface based on object’s trajectory prediction by regression
M Boulares, A Barnawi
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 135, 103673, 2021
Normal and abnormal heart rates recognition using transfer learning
T Alafif, M Boulares, A Barnawi, T Alafif, H Althobaiti, A Alferaidi
2020 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2020
Learning sign language machine translation based on elastic net regularization and latent semantic analysis
M Boulares, M Jemni
Artificial Intelligence Review 46, 145-166, 2016
A CNN-based scheme for COVID-19 detection with emergency services provisions using an optimal path planning
A Barnawi, P Chhikara, R Tekchandani, N Kumar, M Boulares
Multimedia Systems, 1-15, 2023
Toward a mobile service for hard of hearing people to make information accessible anywhere
M Boulares, M Jemni
2013 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software …, 2013
Simple and Powerful PCG Classification Method Based on Selection and Transfer Learning for Precision Medicine Application
A Barnawi, M Boulares, R Somai
Bioengineering 10 (3), 294, 2023
Load balancing based on many-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm with support vector regression in fog computing
M Albalawi, E Alkayal, A Barnawi, M Boulares
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Technology. SRC/JEAST-170. DOI …, 2022
Automatic hand motion analysis for the sign language space management
M Boulares, M Jemni
Pattern Analysis and Applications 22, 311-341, 2019
Toward an example-based machine translation from written text to ASL using virtual agent animation
M Boulares, M Jemni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.3023, 2012
UAV path planning algorithm based on Deep Q-Learning to search for a floating lost target in the ocean
M Boulares, A Fehri, M Jemni
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 104730, 2024
Unsupervised sign language validation process based on hand-motion parameter clustering
M Boulares, A Barnawi
Computer Speech & Language 71, 101256, 2022
A route planner interpretation service for hard of hearing people
M Boulares, M Jemni
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference …, 2012
SIGN MOTION : An Innovative Creation and Annotation Platform for Sign Language 3D-Content Corpora Building Relying on Low Cost Motion …
M Boulares, M Jemni
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 14th International Conference …, 2014
Research Lab. UTIC, University of Tunis, 5, Avenue Taha Hussein, BP: 56, Bab Menara, 1008 Tunis, Tunisia “Toward an example-based machine translation from written text to ASL …
M Boulares, M Jemni
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 9 (1), 1, 2012
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Articles 1–20