Young-Bae Ko
Young-Bae Ko
Professor of Software and Computer Engineering/AI Convergence Network, Ajou University, Rep. of
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Location-aided routing (LAR) in mobile ad hoc networks
YB Ko, NH Vaidya
Proceedings of the 4th annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile …, 1998
Medium access control protocols using directional antennas in ad hoc networks
YB Ko, V Shankarkumar, NH Vaidya
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2000
Geocasting in mobile ad hoc networks: Location-based multicast algorithms
YB Ko, NH Vaidya
Proceedings WMCSA'99. Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 1999
Emerging standards for wireless mesh technology
MJ Lee, J Zheng, YB Ko, DM Shrestha
IEEE Wireless Communications 13 (2), 56-63, 2006
GeoTORA: A protocol for geocasting in mobile ad hoc networks
YB Ko, NH Vaidya
Proceedings 2000 international conference on network protocols, 240-250, 2000
Flooding-based geocasting protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
YB Ko, NH Vaidya
Mobile Networks and Applications 7 (6), 471-480, 2002
Dynamic data grid replication strategy based on internet hierarchy
SM Park, JH Kim, YB Ko, WS Yoon
International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, 838-846, 2003
Design and implementation of intelligent home control systems based on active sensor networks
C Suh, YB Ko
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 54 (3), 1177-1184, 2008
Disconnected operation service in mobile grid computing
SM Park
ICSOC, 2003
QGeo: Q-Learning-Based Geographic Ad Hoc Routing Protocol for Unmanned Robotic Networks
WS Jung, J Yim, YB Ko
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (10), 2258-2261, 2017
A traffic aware, energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
C Suh, YB Ko
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2975-2978, 2005
A novel gradient approach for efficient data dissemination in wireless sensor networks
KH Han, YB Ko, JH Kim
IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 4, 2979-2983, 2004
Design and implementation of enhanced IEEE 802.15. 4 for supporting multimedia service in Wireless Sensor Networks
C Suh, ZH Mir, YB Ko
computer networks 52 (13), 2568-2581, 2008
Improving the reliability of IEEE 802.11 s based wireless mesh networks for smart grid systems
J Kim, D Kim, KW Lim, YB Ko, SY Lee
Journal of Communications and Networks 14 (6), 629-639, 2012
Mitigation of black hole attacks in routing protocol for low power and lossy networks
F Ahmed, YB Ko
Security and Communication Networks 9 (18), 5143-5154, 2016
An energy efficient cross-layer MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
C Suh, YB Ko, DM Son
Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 410-419, 2006
Improving IEEE 802.11 s wireless mesh networks for reliable routing in the smart grid infrastructure
JS Jung, KW Lim, JB Kim, YB Ko, Y Kim, SY Lee
2011 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC), 1-5, 2011
Developing a cost-effective OpenFlow testbed for small-scale Software Defined Networking
H Kim, J Kim, YB Ko
16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 758-761, 2014
Blockchain-based lightweight trust management in mobile ad-hoc networks
MT Lwin, J Yim, YB Ko
Sensors 20 (3), 698, 2020
Efficient clustering-based data aggregation techniques for wireless sensor networks
WS Jung, KW Lim, YB Ko, SJ Park
Wireless Networks 17, 1387-1400, 2011
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Articles 1–20