Alonso Ramirez
Alonso Ramirez
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Twenty-six key research questions in urban stream ecology: an assessment of the state of the science
SJ Wenger, AH Roy, CR Jackson, ES Bernhardt, TL Carter, S Filoso, ...
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (4), 1080-1098, 2009
A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but might reduce carbon sequestration
L Boyero, RG Pearson, MO Gessner, LA Barmuta, V Ferreira, MAS Graça, ...
Ecology letters 14 (3), 289-294, 2011
Functional feeding groups of aquatic insect families in Latin America: a critical analysis and review of existing literature
A Ramírez, PE Gutiérrez-Fonseca
Revista de biologia tropical 62, 155-167, 2014
Capítulo 1: Introducción a los grupos de macroinvertebrados acuáticos
P Hanson, M Springer, A Ramirez
Revista de biología tropical 58, 3-37, 2010
Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns
L Boyero, RG Pearson, D Dudgeon, MAS Graça, MO Gessner, ...
Ecology 92 (9), 1839-1848, 2011
Landscape variation in phosphorus concentration and effects on detritus‐based tropical streams
AD Rosemond, CM Pringle, A Ramírez, MJ Paul, JL Meyer
Limnology and Oceanography 47 (1), 278-289, 2002
Are tropical streams really different?
L Boyero, A Ramírez, D Dudgeon, RG Pearson
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (2), 397-403, 2009
Macroconsumer effects on insect detritivores and detritus processing in a tropical stream.
AD Rosemond, CM Pringle, A Ramírez
Freshwater Biology 39 (3), 1998
Poverty, urbanization, and environmental degradation: urban streams in the developing world
KA Capps, CN Bentsen, A Ramírez
Freshwater Science 35 (1), 429-435, 2016
A test of top‐down and bottom‐up control in a detritus‐based food web
AD Rosemond, CM Pringle, A Ramírez, MJ Paul
Ecology 82 (8), 2279-2293, 2001
Structure and production of a benthic insect assemblage in a neotropical stream
A Ramírez, CM Pringle
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17 (4), 443-463, 1998
A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research
A Maasri, SC Jähnig, MC Adamescu, R Adrian, C Baigun, DJ Baird, ...
Ecology Letters 25 (2), 255-263, 2022
Global patterns of stream detritivore distribution: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates
L Boyero, RG Pearson, D Dudgeon, V Ferreira, MAS Graça, MO Gessner, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (2), 134-141, 2012
Capítulo 5: Odonata
A Ramírez
Revista de Biología tropical 58, 97-136, 2010
Biotic and abiotic variables influencing plant litter breakdown in streams: a global study
L Boyero, RG Pearson, C Hui, MO Gessner, J Pérez, MA Alexandrou, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1829), 20152664, 2016
Use of both benthic and drift sampling techniques to assess tropical stream invertebrate communities along an altitudinal gradient, Costa Rica
CM Pringle, A Ramírez
Freshwater Biology 39 (2), 359-373, 1998
Macroinvertebrados de agua dulce de Costa Rica I
M Springer, A Ramírez, P Hanson
Revista de Biología Tropical 58 (4), 151-198, 2010
Urban streams in Puerto Rico: what can we learn from the tropics?
A Ramírez, R De Jesús-Crespo, DM Martinó-Cardona, N Martínez-Rivera, ...
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (4), 1070-1079, 2009
Tropical stream conservation
A Ramírez, CM Pringle, KM Wantzen
Tropical stream ecology, 285-304, 2008
Spatial and temporal patterns of invertebrate drift in streams draining a Neotropical landscape
A Ramírez, CM Pringle
Freshwater Biology 46 (1), 47-62, 2001
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Articles 1–20