Brooke L. Talley
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Cited by
A century of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Illinois amphibians (1888–1989)
BL Talley, CR Muletz, VT Vredenburg, RC Fleischer, KR Lips
Biological Conservation 182, 254-261, 2015
Estimating patterns and drivers of infection prevalence and intensity when detection is imperfect and sampling error occurs
DAW Miller, BL Talley, KR Lips, EH Campbell Grant
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (5), 850-859, 2012
Distribution and ecology of the introduced African rainbow lizard, Agama agama africana (Sauria: Agamidae), in Florida
KM Enge, KL Krysko, BL Talley
Florida Scientist, 303-310, 2004
Additions to the herpetofauna of Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Honduras
JH Townsend, LD Wilson, BL Talley, DC Fraser, TL Plenderleith, ...
Herpetological Bulletin 96, 29, 2006
Ninia pavimentata (Squamata: Colubridae): an addition to the snake fauna of Honduras
JH Townsend, LD Wilson, TL Plenderleith, BL Talley, JC Nifong
Caribbean Journal of Science 41 (4), 869-870, 2005
Coastal observations of Alligator Snapping Turtles in the Florida panhandle
KM Enge, BS Smith, BL Talley, T Cannon, TM Thomas, D Catizone
Florida Field Naturalist 49 (3), 4, 2021
Leaf litterbag sampling for larval plethodontid salamander populations in Georgia
BL Talley, TL Crisman
Environmental monitoring and assessment 132, 509-515, 2007
Incorporating Amphibian Malformations Into Inquiry-Based Learning.
BL Talley
Science Scope 30 (5), 2007
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Siren intermedia in Illinois, USA
BL Talley, KR Lips, SR Ballard
Herpetological Review 42 (2), 216, 2011
Are There Really Treefrogs Living in the Schoolyard?
BL Talley, MA Henkel
Science Scope 30 (8), 2007
Bothrops asper (Barba amarilla, terciopelo): Maximum elevation
JHT D.C. Fraser, L.D. Wilson
Herpetological Bulletin 94, 29-31, 2006
Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae, Rhadinaea montecristi: Distribution extension, geographic distribution map
LD Wilson, JH Townsend, TL Plenderleith, BL Talley, DC Fraser
Check List 2 (1), 8-9, 2006
First record of a caecilian (order Gymnophiona, Typhlonectes natans) in Florida and in the United States
C Sheehy, D Blackburn, M Kouete, K Gestring, K Laurie, A Prechtel, ...
Reptiles & Amphibians 28 (2), 355-357, 2021
Host-Pathogen Ecology: Effects of Species Ecology and Environmental Factors on the Intensity and Distribution of Disease Among Illinois Amphibians
BL Talley
Dry Creek long-term watershed study: buffer zone performance as viable amphibian habitat
BL Talley, TL Crisman
Proceedings of the 13th biennial southern silvicultural research conference …, 2006
Home Range and Habitat Selection of Florida Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina bauri) in Coastal Southwest Florida
J Donini, M Coury, BL Talley, A Rodriguez, J Drew, T Mann, C Weber
Northeastern Naturalist 31 (sp12), T12-T36, 2024
Survey for the pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in Illinois Project Number: T-56-R-1
BL Talley, KR Lips, J Reeve, F Officer
Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-Lined Salamander). Oviposition Site
TL Crisman
Herpetological Review 43 (3), 459-460, 2012
TECHNIQUES-Effectiveness of Leaf Litterbags for Sampling Stream-breeding Anurans: Tadpole Distribution, Composition, and Use
BL Talley, LD Wilson, JH Townsend
Herpetological Review 43 (1), 55, 2012
Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae, Rhadinaea montecristi: Distribution extension, geographic distribution map
J Townsend, B Talley, L Wilson, T Plenderleith, D Fraser
Check List 2 (1), 8-9, 2006
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