When agendas collide: human welfare and biological conservation KMA Chan, RM Pringle, JAI Ranganathan, CL Boggs, YL Chan, ... Conservation biology 21 (1), 59-68, 2007 | 441 | 2007 |
Serial SimCoal: a population genetics model for data from multiple populations and points in time CNK Anderson, U Ramakrishnan, YL Chan, EA Hadly Bioinformatics 21 (8), 1733-1734, 2005 | 271 | 2005 |
Early Pleistocene enamel proteome from Dmanisi resolves Stephanorhinus phylogeny E Cappellini, F Welker, L Pandolfi, J Ramos-Madrigal, D Samodova, ... Nature 574 (7776), 103-107, 2019 | 187 | 2019 |
Genetic response to climatic change: insights from ancient DNA and phylochronology EA Hadly, UMA Ramakrishnan, YL Chan, M van Tuinen, K O'Keefe, ... PLoS Biology 2 (10), e290, 2004 | 171 | 2004 |
Bayesian estimation of the timing and severity of a population bottleneck from ancient DNA YL Chan, CNK Anderson, EA Hadly PLoS Genetics 2 (4), e59, 2006 | 135 | 2006 |
Genomic insights into the conservation status of the world’s last remaining Sumatran rhinoceros populations J Von Seth, N Dussex, D Díez-del-Molino, T Van Der Valk, VE Kutschera, ... Nature Communications 12 (1), 2393, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Ancient DNA reveals Holocene loss of genetic diversity in a South American rodent YL Chan, EA Lacey, OP Pearson, EA Hadly Biology letters 1 (4), 423-426, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Comparative avian phylogeography of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea mountains: implications for conservation TB Smith, K Holder, D Girman, K O’keefe, B Larison, Y Chan Molecular Ecology 9 (10), 1505-1516, 2000 | 76 | 2000 |
Asynchronous demographic responses to Pleistocene climate change in Eastern Nearctic vertebrates FT Burbrink, YL Chan, EA Myers, S Ruane, BT Smith, MJ Hickerson Ecology Letters 19 (12), 1457-1467, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Detecting concerted demographic response across community assemblages using hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation YL Chan, D Schanzenbach, MJ Hickerson Molecular Biology and Evolution 31 (9), 2501-2515, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
From the past to the present: wolf phylogeography and demographic history based on the mitochondrial control region E Ersmark, CFC Klütsch, YL Chan, MHS Sinding, SR Fain, NA Illarionova, ... Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 134, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Subspecific Differentiation and Conservation of Song Sparrows (Melospiza Melodia) in the San Francisco Bay Region Inferred by Microsatellite Loci Analysis Y Chan, P Arcese The Auk 119 (3), 641-657, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
Ancient DNA Evidence of Prolonged Population Persistence with Negligible Genetic Diversity in an Endemic Tuco-Tuco (Ctenomys sociabilis) EA Hadly, M van Tuinen, Y Chan, K Heiman Journal of Mammalogy 84 (2), 403-417, 2003 | 58 | 2003 |
Morphological and microsatellite differentiation in Melospiza melodia (Aves) at a microgeographic scale Y Chan, P Arcese Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (5), 939-947, 2003 | 55 | 2003 |
Pre-extinction demographic stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros E Lord, N Dussex, M Kierczak, D Díez-del-Molino, OA Ryder, ... Current Biology 30 (19), 3871-3879. e7, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
The contribution of island populations to in situ genetic conservation A Wilson, P Arcese, LF Keller, CL Pruett, K Winker, MA Patten, Y Chan Conservation Genetics 10, 419-430, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Genomics of rapid ecological divergence and parallel adaptation in four tidal marsh sparrows J Walsh, PM Benham, PE Deane-Coe, P Arcese, BG Butcher, YL Chan, ... Evolution Letters 3 (4), 324-338, 2019 | 48 | 2019 |
Application of universally amplifying plastid primers to environmental sampling of a stream periphyton community AR Sherwood, YL Chan, GG Presting Molecular ecology resources 8 (5), 1011-1014, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris YL Chan, X Pochon, MA Fisher, D Wagner, GT Concepcion, SE Kahng, ... BMC ecology 9, 1-7, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Multiple-scale habitat relationships of tidal-marsh breeding birds in the San Francisco Bay estuary H Spautz, N Nur, D Stralberg, Y Chan Studies in Avian Biology 32, 247, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |